The Big Help

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"Did you see that black van outside the house." Says Selena looking through the window. "These guys are watching you Jupiter."

Fear ran through my body. Why is this happening.

"I'll be right back." She says leaving out the back door putting her gun behind her.

"Should we help her." I ask.

"You are right we will be right back." Just as he was about to get out the back door we hear three gunshots. Everyone stopped. My heart be raised I felt like my world was closing in. All I could think was the worst could they have shot Selena I couldn't. I held onto my belly as a trying to protect the life inside me. Now they're going to kill Eragon because I didn't follow what they told me to follow I told my friends about what happened. I wanted to cry I need to leave my husband I need you to call the police I can't just be doing this. Whoever is doing this knows I'm pregnant and they are trying to play me.

" oh hell no I'm going out." Does jasmine putting her gun up in the air as if she was in the hood. " these m************ are dying today."

I look around where the hell is my mom and my mother-in-law?

We all screen when Selena came in dragging a man with blood covering his body.

" Tiffani get me a chair." Orders Selena dragging the man roughly." Danny put him on the chair and drama grab some rope or some s***."

I stood there in shock like what the hell is going on how is Selena not injured and why does she look like as if she done this before.

" okay Jupiter go get me a knife real quick. And a hammer." She says as drama handed her some duct tape and she started to wrap the man's hands around."

I could go get her the hammer in the knife that were sitting close by the couch. And gave it to her.

She smiled evilly without no emotion in her eyes.

" okay we can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you are good I will have to cut one of your fingers off or your hand and most importantly your dick."

The Man's eyes went wide as a fear ran through him.

"But if you answer all the questions that I'm asking then you will be well on your way to hell when I shoot you in the head and and your torture." He says walking in circles around him as of taunting him.

Everybody in the room looked at her in shock. This is not the Selena we know this is another bad Selena.

" now tell me who the f*** are you working for." She says to the man standing right in front of his face.

The man didn't say anything at all he kept his mouth shut. Which had Selena grinning like a maniac as she nodded. She grabbed the knife and instantly stabbed him in the groin. It made us all cringe hard I didn't think this b**** would have actually done it. The man cried in pain I feel kind of bad for him. Selena didn't seem like it affected her at all.

" okay we're going to try this again and you're going to tell me who you work for or your dick is coming off fully." She says. " who do you work for and why are you after Jupiter and her husband Eragon."

" those are the orders given out by by Jack who was working with the senorita call adamaris Deleon."

This had me shocked. My own cousin was behind this. Has she gone insane. Why is she working with this man trying to kidnap my husband. And I thought this b**** loved him.

" why." The look Selena was giving this man look at you was deadly serious if he did not answer this question correctly she was sure going to cut his dick off.

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