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it is now time for you to go home. so you do. and you are the thinking about barry the whole time, and a little bit about jailbreak and her personal drama. all the weight from your first day at school was weighing heavily on your fragile, sad mind. 

to unwind, you sat down in front of your 69 inch plasma screen and opened up minecraft. and hopped on ur shared server with ur best buddy.

you dont know his name but you always play a good game of minecraft together. 

you add the 420th block to your weed house on the shared server and go to find him. you walk into his room in the house hes building 

Get͜ ̕T̨HE FU̕C͡K̛ ÒUT̛ OF ͢M̴Ỳ ̛R̢OOM IM ͏P̕L̵A͏YI͠NG ̢MIŃECRA̸F͡T̛ you hear a voice scream.

he must be in a bad mood. you decide to play fortnite wikth jake and logan paul instead. 

ayyy were streaming" they said because they speak as one 

"hewwo stream" you say dejectedly 

"what is wrong?" says jagan paul as they die again in fortnite

"oh there is this boy i like at school.... idke if he like me back..." u say

it ok say pauls, because u are really amazing and shit, so i bet he like you back anywats

after youa re done palying a fortinte and you lay on your sick racecar bed and go 2 sleep, and you dream of spaghet.

the next day u dress as sexy as possiblee 4 barry

Meme high school- Barry b Benson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now