The Garden with the Glass Sky

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(not proofread.. so well.. mind the mistakes..^^)

Kris POV

Just when we thought we had to dig through dirt to get back to the underground experiment level Mike did some magic and found another way inside. The Institute, despite its modern look was in fact a very old company. So it made sense that there were old tunnels everywhere. We would gotten lost in the said tunnels if not for Mike- again- who was guiding us.

We tumbled through a hole in wall and into a guardless corridor; we were now back in the white labyrinth. I dust the dirt off the black jacket I was wearing and looked around.

“We stand out like a sore thumb.” Aiden mumbled as he helped Julie up. Luhan was also dusting himself up. Kai was zipping up his black jacket. Ren was looking at a small hologram of a map that was projecting from his watch. Aiden was right, we were all wearing black, and we can be spotted miles away in this place.

“No choice.” Ren answered. “Let’s go.”

Ren took the lead walking briskly. Kai and Julie were next, with Aiden, Luhan and I taking the rear.  Security cameras were at every corner but I think Mike has already hacked the main computer and was now making us invisible to the people monitoring them. I would like to meet this Mike in the future, he must be just as brilliant as Flo is, or maybe near her abilities.

“The next right corridor leads to the room where Flo’s GPS signal is emitting but there is a slight problem.” Mike said.

Mike doesn’t know Korean but apparently he and Julie made some voice translator and installed it in our ear piece so whatever Mike is saying is now in Korean.

“What’s the problem?” Julie asked.

“Guards. Four guards are stationed in front of the door. From their information here they only speak Hungarian.” Mike answered.

“I’ll take care of that.” Ren answered. “J care to be my translator?”

“Sure.” Julie answered. “Your lot stay here until we give the signal. Kris, Luhan take down the guards before they can call for backup.”

“Okay.” Luhan answered. He glanced at me and I saw the red staring to creep into his eyes.

“Bro can you handle it?” I asked quietly.

“I need to. We need to get Flo. I’m not letting her stay there any longer.” Luhan answered and the red exploded in his eyes. I heard the low growl that rumbled through him. “Let’s get the genius out. I want a word with her.”

“Me first.” I answered and let the power surge free. I felt strong, powerful. I felt it growl. My mark heated up as I felt my senses sharpen.  “left or right ge?”

“Right.” Luhan answered grinning as he went into a crouch, tensing himself waiting for the signal as Ren and Julie rounded the corner and disappeared from our line of sight.

“Excuse me sir.” One voice with a strong accent said.

“I’m here to see my sister, Florence Khan. I’m Ren Khan.” Ren said and we heard Julie translate it to the same language. “Let us through.”

The voice answered back and then we heard a scuffle. It was followed by an ominous sound of a riffle being loaded.

“Kris, Luhan! Now!” Julie loudly.

Luhan glanced at me, grinned again and was off with me following closely. We rounded the corner a second later and stopped behind the guards. They never saw what was coming. I dropped a blow on one’s nape and another one on the other guard. I glanced at Luhan to see he was just delivering the second below on the last guard; they all were now unconscious on the floor.

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