Chapter 1 - A Very Normal Day?

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I can't move.

I only slept for 2 hours! How will I go to school looking like I've been brutally tortured.

This is why I hate mondays.

"Honey, please eat. Come on, you can't survive another boring day in school without breakfast!"

"Ugh. Fine."

My mom can be so annoying sometimes but it's okay, whatever. But that statement is indeed true as hell could pour on me.

Stepping out of the house, I've noticed that I pretty much missed the bus.

"Motherfu- forget it fine I'll walk!"

These days I seem to be very pissed about absolutely everything!

I can't help it, my life is so boring, no love life, not popular, ugly as hell and I could give more but I'll be late for class if I think too much about my miserable life.

Well, atleast I tried.


Shockingly not shocking, I am late again.

"Ms. Karen Carter, you do know that I do not tolerate late students in my class!"

"Sorry, Ms. Harper. It won't happen again, I promise."

She gave me one of her most famous cold glares, which was creepy.

Going to my seat, I noticed that my only friend in this school is absent?!

Good lord, I'm so anti-social...


School ended. It was boring all right but two of my classmates actually fought inside the classroom a while ago so atleast I was able to witness such an iconic scene.

I'm pretty much going home now, Jade was obviously sick because I now have received a message from her.

I'm so sorry, sick and can't move. Promise I'll be in tomorrow!

I understand, see you tomorrow then. Don't forget the goods!

Yeah, yeah. I'll bring it to you bye :)

Bye. :)

Well atleast she's back by tomorrow, I guess I'll head home now.


Is there someone following me?

I turn around, none.

But I heard footsteps behind me?

"Okay let's just ignore whatever that was"

Telling myself before I have a panic attack.

footsteps again!!

This time I turned around faster to catch the stalker, nothing?!

I turn to the front and...

A man in all black?

I screamed but failed to do so since I was punch and..

It was pitch black.

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