The meeting of Tracey

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I was texting Liz on my phone when she asked if she can meet Tracey. It's been a whole month since I met Liz and her pig and not once has she met my pig. I stepped down off of my pig. "Go get dressed, you are meeting my girlfriend!" I yelled at Tracey, she gets up and runs to get ready. Tracey doesn't talk, she can't. When I was little I thought she was super annoying so I tied her down and cut her tongue out, but I was only 5 so I did it terrible so daddy had to fix my mistake and my mum said to the whole family that we have to say that Tracey had a birth defect and she was born without a tongue. We all learn sign language to talk to her but she didn't sign as much probably because she thought I will cut off her hands, I will. Tracey is back bowing before me. "Wrong outfit. Just wear a long black coat." I said she runs  back to her room which is my extra closet. My room is huge, I have 6 closets, two full bathroom, and a sound room and that's only half of my room so I have Tracey in one of my closets and of course it's the smallest and she is only allowed to use half of the closet. Each closet is a walk in. Tracey comes into my room with the coat open to show that she is not wearing anything underneath. "Go outside and wait for Liz's car." I said turning to her. She sign to me saying it was cold outside. "I am aware of how cold it is." I said laughing. Tracey just nodded and went outside and within the first 2 minutes she was shaking. It was 4 in the morning which is usually the coldest point at my house. Liz pulled up and I grabbed a jacket and push my pig off the porch. She walks to the car. I get inside to see Marionette still in that position from three weeks ago. "Good job pig!"  I said patting her on her head. "Trace, finger your new best friend." I said checking my makeup. "You can play with her the way I play with your pig." I said acting like Tracey and Marionette are not with us. "What's her name?" Liz asked putting her hand on my leg and began rubbing it. "Well, something besides Pig because Marionette is the Pig so how about Cow?" I asked trying not to laugh at Liz because she is tickling me.  I looked at Tracey fingering Marionette. "Harder Cow! Do it like you mean it!!" I yelled and Tracey picked up her speed and Marionette moan. "Tracey equals a cow and Marionette equals a pig?" Liz asked making sure. "Yes."  I said going in for a kiss. We kiss until our third turn. We pulled up to LGBTQ Mating. "Tracey doesn't talk much." Liz said getting out. "She can't, When I was little I cut her tongue out and daddy fixed my error and mum said we have to say that she has a birth defect." I said giggling. "Why are we here?" I asked because this is Rikki's Cafe not LGBTQ Mating. "Animals! Get out and act descent! Cow take off that jacket." Liz yelled and they hurried and did what they were commanded and after Liz got done laughing at Tracey for not having any clothes she looked at me. Liz got basic clothes out of the trunk and Cow got dressed fast. It's now 8:00am. We walked into Rikki's Cafe and I saw Rikki and Will sitting together and Rikki was on Will's lap. Liz went over there and was talking to them then Rikki and Will both looked at me. Liz came back to us and she was company by Rikki. "Let's go to the Shack." Liz said and heading to the car I looked at Pig but she was ghost whiteand shaking. Rikki was in the middle of Cow and Pig. "Let's the fun begin." Liz said before pulling up to The Shack.

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