Chapter 9

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(1st Person)

It's been a few hours after that proposal from Rias Gremory, while I wanted Asia to live again, it would mean she would become a devil. Asia doesn't deserve that, she deserves to be her own person instead of being forced to become something else... What I mean is, that red-haired minx decided to go against my wishes...


(Y/N): No...

Rias: I'm sorry?

(Y/N): As much as I want to see Asia alive again, I can't, she'll be a devil if she's revived by that chess piece of yours, so no... I'll find my own way to revive her...

I just remembered: if the relic of grace is given to any body that's passed away no matter how decayed or old it is that person will be revived as if nothing happened. In other words, it'll mean that Asia will be dead for longer but she won't become a...

My thoughts were interrupted by a bright red light right next to me, I gasp in surprise before turning to see the chess piece Rias had in her hand slowly go inside Asia's chest. I knew my eyes were completely wide with rage, I grabbed Rias' collar but by the time I pulled her off the piece had already gone inside Asia.

(Y/N): Why the hell did you do that!? I said no god dammit!!!

Rias: I apologise, but Twilight healing is quite the rare find and I couldn't pass it up...

(Y/N): So, you were going to revive her as a devil even if I said no anyway?

I saw that black and red lightning dance on the same hand that was gripping Rias' collar, she looked down at the lightning with what I knew well as fear in her eyes, I gripped her collar tighter so that I could get a good shot in...

Asia: W-where am I?

Had it not been for Asia waking up, I instantly let the red-haired bitch go who went running back to her peerage while I looked towards Asia; she was opening her eyes slowly while giving off a confused and lost look, almost like a puppy. Heh, I had forgotten what I was mad about thanks to that cute sight...

(Y/N): Hey there... sleepyhead...

She let out that cute little gasp she always does whenever she hears something that either surprises her or scares her, I walk right into her vision where she grows wide-eyed but was still confused.

Asia: (Y/N)? But... how? How am I... back here?

(Y/N): I'll tell you later, right now, we better get you somewhere to rest, sound good?

Asia: Uh-huh...

I smile slightly before reaching down to lift her up bridal style, she instantly fell asleep again, poor girl... she's so weak from dying and then being revived... as a devil...

I look over at Rias who was trying to keep herself composed, but I could instantly tell my glare alone was making her regret pulling something like that, I made sure Asia was fast asleep before turning back to the devils and Kalawarner.

(Y/N): For now, I'll find Asia a place to rest, maybe take an abandoned house or something, but when we're all settled in, you and I Miss Rias Gremory are going to have a nice, long, chat...

Rias: U-understood... though if you'd take me up on this offer...

(Y/N): I am not owing you any favours you filthy devil, get lost...

Kalawarner: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I don't have time for you either...

I went to walk out of the church... but then Issei stood in front of me, a face of concern but conflict.

To forgive or not (Highschool DxD x Male Reader volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now