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Taehyung pov
As we get bored we quickly went inside the house only to see jennie holding a gun and its focused on yerins stomach, yerin look so pale and lifeless "jennie kim!" We both shout in unison but were late because she quickly shot her gun in yerin "yerin!!!!!" We both said again, jun run towards yerin and i go to jennie "what the hell did you do?!" I ask her angrily "its good for her! She must die!!!" She shout "you murdered your own sister?!!!" I finally spilled out her secret, yes they are twins not actually twins half twins. Yerin mother got a relationship with other guy and it comes out that jennie is yerins mother second child, but all of theyre mother was on yerins attention, her mother dont care of her anymore so she really hate yerin. Yerin doesnt know about this yet because they dont leave in one house and even once yerin mother dont mention anything from her.

"She will never be my sister!" She shout "but still you cant change the fact that shes still your sister!" I said "no i dont have a evil sister like her!" "Shes not evil jennie your the evil!" I said and point her "no im not" she said and focused the gun in herself "what are you doing?" I ask "im going to make sure that im going to meet yerin in the hell" she said "jennie kim put down the gun!" The pulis said and gocused a gun on her thank god they already here, she quickly put down her gun as the pulis said "raise you hand!" The pulis man said again and she did. They quickly go to jennie and hold her hands and put the gun in the floor.

"Yerin!" I shout as i run towards her and hug her "tae-taehyung" she said stuttering because she cant breath normal "shhh the ambulance will be here anytime" i said and wipe her tears in her cheeks and my tears started to flow down "jun help me untied her" i said he quickly untied her hands and i untied her feet "your safe now" jun said and hug her, he carry her bridal style i can see her pale face and shes breathing hardly, "jun o-oppa saranghae" yerin said and caress his cheeks, her words makes my heart aches "i know" he said and caress yerin cheeks, the ambulance already here and jennie is now in the pulis car trying to get out, jun quickly run towards the ambulance they quickly assist yerin to save her life.


Me and jun are waiting outside the emergency room, me and jun are praying to save yerins life. After i pray i remember the moments that me and yerin are still in the relationship the happy moments, the sad moments and ofcourse the sweet moments that cherish together, i also remember the time that i leave yerin without saying goodbye i think this is my karma for me for leaving her, i just leave her because i love her and that will never change the fact that shes stil the one whos inside my heart. After hours of waiting the doctor came out of the room we quickly go towards the doctor "doc is she ok now?" Jun ask "yes but the problem is" he stop "what problem?" I ask "her condition is not good she must opera as soon as possible" the doctor said "but we can see her now?" Jun ask the doctor nod, jun quickly ho to yerins wards followed by me. When we reach the room were yerin is jun quickly open the door when we enter we saw her sleeping peacefully jun sat beside the bed and and hold her hands...

-after 1 month-

After yerin discharge in hospital i didnt saw her or any message, im still hurt on what i hear just a hour ago, 'yerin loves jun and i cant do anything  with it if she is now inlove with him' i thought to myself and i cant do anything because yerin is now in the america to have a treatment i try to stop her from leaving but i failed, im scared that after the treatment theyre wedding will continued. (A/n: theyre wedding has been moved because of yerins condition) i dont know what to do im here in my condo dont know what to do..

Yerin pov

Its been 1 month since i left korea yo have a treatment and 1 month since i dont call taehyung 'i miss him' i thought as i look back our memories together i know i told jun that i love him because i know that hes there but i only like jun i dont love him, yes his a good perso and a looking good person but he cant fair with taehyung, taehyung has everything good looking,funny and etc. im so sorry if i lie that i love jun.

Im here at the hospital at the treatment room ready for my extray, jun is beside me holding my hand "are you ready?" He ask i look at him and smile, the smile i never used before me and taehyung  separated "im always ready" i said, the doctor call us that the extray is ready so we both took our way the x-tray room. As we enter the room i quickly lay down in the bed were they will citiscan me, i felt a tear coming out from my eyes while they slowly do it why im i even crying?!

I miss him, i miss him so much......

Kim taehyung....

DESTINED IN RAIN☔ ||taerin|| [On-going]✅Where stories live. Discover now