More Mandela Effected Dreams with TBS

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I had been listening to the audio clip of a youtube video, "Brainstorm or Green Needle" mandela effect. Different people were hearing two different things from the same audio clip. I listened to it twice and it had said green needle, it changed and said brainstorm a third time.

Dream 1:

I dreamed that Thomas Sangster was a Mandela Effect blogger. In the dream he had said that I had heard a voice in my head. In the dream we were friends.

Dream 2:

I dreamed someone was hunting me because I knew too much about the Mandela Effect. Someone told me I needed a new umbrella or rocking chair to protect myself with.

Dream 3:

I dreamed that I was told Cortisol was too low in my brain. That people with higher Cortisol levels were more awake and Mandela Effected. I looked it up and Cortisol is a stress hormone that effects many things including the formation of memory. Too low can hinder memory recall. Interesting.

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