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I see my Mom smiling at me making dinner.

Mom- How was sleep honey?

Joey- Mom? Didn't you send me away bec-

Mom- What are you talking about and sit down for dinner.

Joey- Mom, uh..

This is a another dream again! I manage to gulp as I take a deep breath. 


I get up rubbing my head.

Joey- What the fuck happened..?

Tyler- a dream Joey. It's 5:00 AM right now.

Joey- 5:00 AM!? That early...!?

Tyler- Yep.

I see my belly getting fat as I sigh as I get up looking at walls and the hard not comfortable floor. Tyler taking a deep breath. I hit the door with tears as I see something written on a letter hanged on the wall. I read it and ripped it rolling my eyes.

I had to deal with drama in my life and crying of friends around me screaming and even my best friend falling off a cliff let's not get to that. I walk in circles feeling my belly get even huge and I am very scared. I have nothing and no food and which means what would the baby eat?

I look seeing Tyler gone as I sigh and bit my lip as the only prisoner smiled at me creepily as I rolled my eyes as they vanished. Wonder what happened to her? She's creepy as fuck. I see the door opening by it's own as I put myself again'st the wall in fear.

Joey- Hello? Anyone there?

Nothing replied as I got closer to the door slower and slower as I got to the door as pitch black was through the door as I look back nothing was appearing. I look around seeing a flash light as I pick it up turning it on as I light up dark things.

I hear a noise as I turn.

Joey- Hello? Anybody?

My body was shaking in fear as I didn't know what to do right now. I didn't see exit doors.I see lights as I see patients sitting and nurses helping as I rub my eyes as the Nurse smiles at me.

Nurse- Uh Sir?

I stare confused as I felt dizzy and my mind was like bumping across by one by one.

Joey- Where am I?

Nurse- The hospital..

Joey- Can..

I felt blurriness as I passed out..

Daniel's POV:

I woke up as the sun was bright and the room filled smelling like fresh flowers as I hear a knock.

Maria- Daniel! Let me in.

I let her in as she smiles as I smiled back.

Maria- Honey, they can't find Joey.. I am so sorry.

Daniel- No, No, No..

I went downstairs crying hiding myself into the couch as she rubs my back. I hear a voice calling me.

Joey- Daniel, Daniel I am passed out.. I can see you..

Daniel- Joey, it's you..

Joey- I am alive still but passed out while a nurse has me for now.

Daniel- I am coming stay safe baby okay!

Joey- Okay.


469 words.

I am so tired sorry.

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