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Swearing, Taylor Swift

Virgil groaned Wednesday morning when his alarm went off. He turned it off, groaning into his pillow. "Fuck it, I'm skipping.." He mumbles, putting on his glasses, and grabbing his phone to text Patton.

Virgil: Hey, Patton, I'm not coming to school today, just a warning.
Sent at 6:46 a.m.

Virgil turned off his phone, sighing softly. "I just need a day to myself to think about things." He mumbled, looking over at his phone when it vibrated. He grabbed it, and unlocked it, reading the text from Patton.

Dad: Okay, thanks for telling me. Are you sick? Do you want me to bring you your homework?
Sent at 6:47 a.m.

Virgil chuckled softly at how concerned and protective Patton was, typing his response with a smile.

Virgil: I'm fine, no worries. And, yes, please bring me my homework if it's not too much trouble. Love ya, Pat.
Sent at 6:47 a.m.

Virgil hit send, setting his phone back on his bedside table. He stood up, walking over to his dresser to get some clothes on. He changed into a black fuzzy sweater, black skinny jeans, and then he put on his choker that he hardly wears. He then walks to the bathroom that was across the hall from his room so he could put in his contacts and put on his foundation as he did every morning.

Once he did those things, he went back to his room to get his phone before walking downstairs. He saw another text from Patton, and he smiled.

Dad: Okay, will do! Love ya too, kiddo! <3
Sent at 6:48 a.m.

Virgil smiled happily, chuckling at how cute his best friend was. He walked into the kitchen, sighing at how quiet the house was. He grabbed two slices of bread, putting them into the toaster, and turning it on. While he waited, he decided to play some music. So, he connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker, and played his Spotify playlist.

"Oh! A moment you'll never remember, and a night you'll never forget. Oh!" Virgil heard Brendon Urie say through the speaker. Virgil began singing along to the song, dancing around his kitchen. After a bit of this, he heard his toast pop up. He walked over to the cupboard, grabbing a paper plate and walking back over to the toaster.

After putting everything away, Virgil continued to dance around his kitchen while eating his buttered toast. After he finished eating, he turned off his music and walked back upstairs to his room. He shoves his phone in his pocket, grabbing his guitar before climbing out his bedroom window onto the roof of his house.

Shivering a but from the cold morning air, he looks around at the neighborhood he'd grown up in. He unlocked his guitar case, opening it and staring at the guitar resting softly in it. He sighs, remembering when he first got it, before pulling it out of the case. He began mindlessly strumming it, focusing on the chords and not anything around him.

While on his way to school, Roman was looking around at the scenery around him. He gasped quietly, his eyes widening when he saw Virgil sitting on the roof of his house with a guitar in his lap. "I didn't know Virgil played guitar.." He mumbled, abandoning his walk to school and heading towards Virgil's house.

He knocked on the door, despite knowing that Virgil wouldn't be able to hear him, before walking into the younger boys house. He quietly made his way upstairs, opening Virgil's bedroom door. The room was a bit of a mess, but Roman didn't mind. He set his backpack on the ground by the door, walking over to the window, looking at how peaceful and happy Virgil seemed to be while playing the guitar.

"So I'll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes. All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss." Virgil sang while he played the chords on the guitar. 'Is he singing? Not just singing. Is he singing Taylor Swift?' Roman thought, listening to Virgil's soft voice. "Never thought we'd have a last kiss. Never imagined we'd end like this. Your name, forever the name on my lips."

Roman rested his weight against Virgil's window sill, listening peacefully to the younger boys soft playing and singing. 'I didn't know Virgil could play guitar. Or sing like this.' Roman thought. He was confused as to why Virgil would hide such talent. He was amazing!

"Just like our last kiss. Forever the name on my lips. Forever the name on my lips. Just like our last..." Virgil finished singing the song with a quiet sigh as he stopped strumming.

"That was amazing." Roman says, clapping softly. Virgil jumped, quickly turning to look at his window. When he saw Roman, his face darkened in embarrassment, his eyes widening.

"R-Ro, when did you get there? Wh-Why are you here? You should be at school.." Virgil said, very confused and very flustered. Roman realized that Virgil was right and he was supposed to be at school, but he didn't let that show.

"Well, you're also supposed to be at school, love. Why aren't you getting ready, hmm?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow. Virgil took a deep breath, putting his guitar back into the case.

"Roman, I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit. You broke into my house, watched me sing like a creep, and now you're trying to avoid my questions." Virgil said, trying to mask how flustered he was by acting annoyed.

"Okay, fine. I wasn't here long, I just got here when you started singing the beginning of the last chorus. If that makes any sense." Roman says, answering one of Virgil's questions. Virgil grabs his guitar case, sliding it towards the window, Roman stepping back so Virgil could get into his room.

"Okay, that's one answer. But, I still need another. Why are you here?" Virgil asks, climbing through his window and setting his guitar in the corner of his room before sitting on his bed.

"Well, on my way to school, I saw you sitting on your roof with a guitar. So, I came to check out what was happening and was pleasantly surprised to hear your magnificent playing and singing." Roman says, smiling at Virgil.

"Okay, first off, I'm not that good. Second off, you cannot tell anyone about this. The only other person aside from me and my mom that knows about my guitar is Patton, and he's sworn to secrecy." Virgil says, seriously to Roman.

"But you're amazing! Talent like that shouldn't be hidden, it should be shared with the world!" Roman said, dramatically. Virgil blushes lightly at the complement, rolling his eyes at how dramatic Roman was.

"Just promise me you won't tell anyone about this. Please?" Virgil asks, looking up at Roman from his spot on his bed. Roman sighs in defeat, holding up his hands.

"Okay, fine. I promise." Roman mumbles, causing Virgil to smile.

"Thank you so much, Roman." Virgil says, standing up and pulling Roman into a quick hug. "But, you should be getting to school. You're gonna be late." He gestures to the clock on his bedside table.

"Shit! Okay. Goodbye, love." Roman says, kissing Virgil's cheek before grabbing his backpack and rushing out of Virgil's room. Virgil blushes, falling backwards onto his bed.

"God, I hate him so much.." Virgil mumbles to no one in particular. 'No you don't. You like Roman. A lot.' A voice in the back of Virgil's mind says to him. "Shut up, I know I do." Virgil mumbles back.

I had no idea where I was going with this from the start so I'm sorry if it's bad lol
We're approaching the climax of the story *evil laughter*
Okay, I'll be going now lol

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