I Should Know How to Breathe

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I should know how to breathe,
I should know how to breathe but something got caught in my throat years ago.
It might've been the lies you tried to feed me,
but maybe it was my own sobbing.
Whatever it was caused my body to go pale and my lips go blue.
I've gotten used to my sunken-in eyes
and my numbed finger tips.
I should know how to breathe but I don't.
They want me to learn again,
They hand out promises like candy,
but I can't taste either.
They promise to remove the block,
They promise to sweeten your memory.
But I'm scared.
I am who I am because I can't breathe.
I am sunken eyes
and blue lips.
Give me breath and I might choke again.
I should know how to breathe but I don't want to.

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