BONUS: try

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this chapter is if brennan decided to fight and stay alive

I found myself awake beside her. Her arm wrapped around my waist as she slept soundly on my chest, her once neatly braided hair was now a mess, but the simple sight of her caused a smile to break onto my lips. I had a thousand thoughts racing in my head, but only one stood out the most, echoing throughout my head.

I want you to stay.

It was as if my thoughts caused her to wake up, her small frame moving beside me before I watched her eyes flutter open, recollecting the events of last night as she smiled up at me, her eyes half open and sleep still surrounding her but not completely. "Good morning."

"Morning," I replied, moving a bit to let her sit up. I leaned against the wall behind me, her arm still wrapped around me as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about last night," she began, referring to her breakdown, "I- I didn't know what came over me."

"Hey, it's okay," I reassured her, pushing a strand behind her as I held her face to look at me, "you have every right to feel that way, okay?" She nodded, closing her eyes as she leaned her head against my palm, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"I wish I could stay longer," I heard her whisper. Although her words could've just been empty words, and she would still go on with her plan of letting things happen, I couldn't hold the words that were repeating in my head, wanting to voice out my true feelings with this situation.

"Then stay," I whispered back. Her eyes opened wide, and I could see a flash of confusion for a second. I almost thought that those two simple words would cause the biggest problem—a butterfly effect to this situation and would make me regret ever saying them. I pictured that she and I would argue and she'd suddenly disappear for God knows how long, only to come back and leave almost immediately.

But it didn't. No argument. No tears were shed. Instead, a soft smile appeared on her lips as the words I never thought I'd hear from her, were said out loud. "I'll try."

And she did. Dr. Travis explained that her condition could be terminal, especially if she didn't fight against it. He also explained that if she would try a blood transfusion, then a possibility of extending her life is not too high, but plausible. Luckily, Brennan was an AB blood type, therefore she can receive blood from anyone.

"I'll have to go back and forth from the hospital, for both the transfusion, chemo and other really complicated things, but... but he said it was doable," she explained to me one night at the parking lot of where she explained it to me the first time. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my lips as I pulled her into a hug, knowing that there was a chance that she might even make it out of this dark path, gave both her and I hope.

I visited the hospital with her once, accompanying her as she went through the process. "Unfortunately, since you were diagnosed quite late, I'm not entirely sure if you're able to completely recover from this, alright? It'll help with decreasing the cells," Dr. Travis explained. I held her hand, feeling her tense for a moment and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "But I'll try my best, alright Brennan? This isn't a one man job, and requires you to fight against it as well."

"I will, Doc," she chuckled, trying to hide the shake in her voice. "I'll do my best."

And most journeys with fighting against something like this, there was another breakdown, but this one seemed the most serious. It was weeks into her treatment, and she had fallen unconscious while in school, early December. She was taken to the hospital almost immediately, and I wasn't able to check on her because of my trip to New York. But when the news had surfaced, I booked the first flight back home and stayed by her side.

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