War (part 2)

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- fluffier than the last one-
-I've been getting on and off headaches someone please help-
-it's been happening for days now-
-I think I'm dying-

Keith had woken up at least five times that night. Twice from a nightmare and the other times were Mia. By 5:00 am he was passed out completely. He needed to get up in an hour though.
(Wow this is going slow)
Mia woke up early and went to school at 8:00 am. Usually Lance would take her to school but...
The small energetic child had already woken up and was out in the living room working on Keith's birthday gift. She kept her voice down as to not wake up her Mama, though she was giggling the whole time.
Keith woke up to the sound of shuffling and mumbles. It was around 7:00 am.
Shit! Keith thought, jumping out of bed and rushing out to the living room. Mia was sat on the living room floor with a plate of fruit.
"Morning Mama!" She said with a smile on her face. "How long have you been up, Cheonsa?" Keith asked, picking up his daughter. "Up since 5:00 am. She let you sleep in." Said a woman's voice from the kitchen. " 'Lura sweet Jesus don't scare me like that!" Keith yelled. Allura walked out from the kitchen and handed Keith a cup of coffee. Keith set down Mia and him and Allura sat down.
"What are you doing here?" Keith asked, sipping his coffee. Allura smiled softly and looked at Mia. "Well..." Allura said, placing a hand on her stomach. Keith almost spat out his coffee. "You're kidding!" He yelled, placing his mug down. "No Keith I'm not!" She said happily. Keith hugged his best friend tightly. "Holy crap you're pregnant!" He exclaimed. Allura nodded happily. They broke apart. "I haven't told Lotor, or anyone for that matter," she said. "I thought you should be the first to know seeing as you were pregnant before," Allura finished saying. Keith smiled. He was in fact transgender and was pregnant with Mia (I mentioned that he was trans in the headcanons). Keith smiled. "When are you planning on telling him?" Keith asked. "Tomorrow," she said.
It had been a long day. Keith had a flashback to a certain time before he met Lance. It was when he still had a certain job at a certain gay club. This flashback gave him a bad anxiety attack which resulted in him almost going to the hospital. Pidge decided to stay over at his house the rest of the day. Occasional visits from the whole gang, usually to wish Keith happy birthday, happened throughout the day. They were going to have a party that night, but Keith just needed some time.
"Mama, Mama! I'm home!" Mia said as she ran into the kitchen where Keith was taking his anxiety medicine. "How was school today?" Keith asked, handing Mia her medicine. "It was good! Mrs. Garret and the rest of the class made you a card! Oh and my friend Klaizap came back from vacation!" Mia said while handing Keith the card.
I'll have to thank Shay and Hunk later, Keith thought as he read over the card. He smiled and gave Mia a kiss on the forehead.
"Mama..." Mia said quietly. "Yes, Cheonsa?" Keith asked.
"Mrs. Garret got a call from auntie Pidge. Was it about you because I heard anxiety attack and stuff?" Mia asked. Keith looked down and nodded. "I'm okay though," Keith said, picking up Mia. "Let's go get you ready for that party!" Keith said, feigning happiness. Mia laughed as she was carried to her room.
Keith pulled Mia's brown curls into a ponytail. Mia smiled and laughed. "Mama how do you know how to do hair?" She asked. "Well it was your Papa's siblings that taught me," Keith said, smiling as he remembered the vacations they took to Cuba. "Mama! Mama can I do your hair," Mia asked. Keith laughed and nodded yes. Mia moved to the back of Keith's head and started to take a brush through it. Moments later Keith had is hair neatly laid out behind his head with butterfly clips and colorful bobby pins near his right ear. Keith smiled at Mia and got up. "Are you ready to go?" Keith asked the small child whose pink dress was spilling over her feet.
Meme Squad Chat
Keithy.boy: I'm almost here
DeadassHolt: Thank god Pidge and Shiro won't stop complaining.
Space-Daddy: Matthew Holt I swear to god
DeadassHolt: Matt isn't short for Matthew. It's short for Mathematics.
Space-Daddy: You're fucking with me
DeadassHolt: I'm not
DeadassHolt: I'm fucking with you
Princess 👑: We telling them tonight?
Keithy.boy: You got it Lura
Space-Daddy: what
When Keith arrived he was instantly swarmed by his friends. Mia screamed and laughed as she was hoisted up by Shiro. "Shiro I swear to god don't hurt my child!" Keith yelled. Shiro laughed at his younger brother and passed Mia to Matt who instantly started laughing with Mia. Shiro lead Keith into him and Matt's house. Balloons were scattered throughout the house and music was playing through a stereo. "I still can't believe you and Matt were able to afford this house," Keith said in awe. "Well we did save money by not having a big blowout on the wedding," Shiro said, eyeing Allura. "Hey! Lotor and I have a different taste than you!" Allura said laughing. Everyone was laughing and so was Keith. Until...
"Hey Keith? Did you get a call from Lance yet?" Lotor asked. Matt shoved Lotor and whispered something.
"N-no not yet. But I-I understand that h-he has a job to do," Keith said quietly. Shiro sat next to Keith and pat his back. Allura moved to the center of the living room and motioned for everyone to sit. "I have news that might lighten the mood," Allura said motioning for Keith. "First of all," Allura said. She smiled at Keith and silently told him to finish the sentence. "Lura's pregnant," Keith finished with a big smile. Lotor looked shocked and ran to his wife and gave her a loving hug. Everyone yelled their congratulations and hugged Allura. "And second of all," Pidge started, dragging her girlfriend, Elara, to the front door.
"Keith," Elara started. "We have a surprise for you!" Matt tied a blindfold around Keith's head. "Everyone ready?" Pidge asked loudly. There was shuffling as everyone sat down and something was moved behind him.
Hands moved to the back of his blindfold and undid it, the piece of cloth falling to the floor.
"Surprise," said a calm voice from behind him. Keith turned around and started to tear up.

"Happy birthday, baby!" Lance said as Keith jumped into his arms. Everyone applauded but let them have their space. "Lance holy shit!" Keith sobbed into Lance's shoulder. Lance chuckled and held him tighter. "Where's Mia?" Keith said hoarsely. "Passed out with Hunk," Matt said. "Well is it okay if we leave. She's got school tomorrow anyway," Lance said, smiling. "Of course," Pidge said, smirking while Elara wiggles her eyebrows.
"We have an eight year old in the house!" Keith exclaimed, but laughed nonetheless. "Unless you want to take her for the night?" Lance said smirking. "Get out of here guys! We'll take Mia for the night you idiots!" The Holt siblings said before pushing them out to their car.
"God I missed you!" Lance said laughing and picking Keith up. He put Keith into the passenger side of the car and got in himself.
(Lime ahead! It's gonna be cringy so get ready)
(Btw Keith has fully transitioned now)
Lance pushed Keith down onto the bed.
"God I missed this," he murmured before kissing Keith. Keith moaned into the kiss and let Lance slip his tongue in, exploring his mouth.
(Holy shit I'm awkward)
Lance broke away from the kiss and looked down at his lover. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, baby boy?" Lance murmured, caressing Keith's now red face. He attached his lips to Keith's neck, biting and sucking every inch of skin. Keith let a small moan out and turned his head for more access. Lance chuckled and moved his hand down to the tent in Keith's jeans, rubbing his erection.
(I'm so awkward pls help)
"Lance!" Keith moaned out, gasping here and there.
Let's just say Keith wasn't walking properly the next day, and almost had to explain the hickeys to Mia.
What an adventure.

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