Chapter - 001 Love at first sight

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* OK the cover have nothing to do  with the story I like it so i changed it from the last one kay...*

Kenza's P.O.V:

I was feeling bored in the home alone because my aunt was not around. She was out on her job. She works for a company. So I thought to take a walk to the nearest park in our state. Where I found Ethan.

Ethan was a kid from our neighborhood, we were so close. Ethan was a kind, cute, cool and innocent Kid who was clever but also innocent at the same time. He was 9 years old though. And he was like a brother to me.

He was playing alone with his toys and I get it that his parents are out on their job. They both work in the same company as my aunt. So I walked towards Ethan and sat there in front of him where he was playing with his toy sports car.

He suddenly looked at me." Why are you playing alone eth. Where are your friends?" Well 'Eth' is his nickname.

"They won't came today. I don't know why? But I don't care now because you are here now."He said, looking at me with a smile on his cute face.

"Okay then let's go to your place." I said to him after holding his hand in mine.

Adam's P.O.V:

I was standing with my best friend Josh waiting for his girlfriend." Hey Jo, where is your lady man I'm getting tired now."

Buzzz buzzz

"What is it." I asked him. He took out his phone from his front pocket of jeans and said, " She is not coming."

" What the hell man I waited here with you for two hours for nothing." I said to him.

"Sorry bruh. Let's go i'll pay for a coffee come." Jo said

"Like i don't have any money, come let's go to a bar i want a drink." I said


I was a short tempered guy. I lose it very soon.

We were making our way towards the gate when my eyes fell on the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life. She had long brown hair with mesmerising gloden brown eyes idk I can't place the right name of that shade of brown, her gorgeous natural plump red lips, wait.! Is she for real no way she can't be I've seen a lot of beautiful girls in my life but they weren't natural like her.

I glanced at the kid beside her thinking that he would be a brother or  a little cousin. I looked at Jo beside me who was staring holes in my head. I chuckled and give him the signal to go by himself.

"Seriously man, don't tell me..." Jo said to me

"Haha i think I'm in loveeee..." I said to him smiling ear to ear.

Jo made a really bad face and then laughed his ass out i glared at him in full rage. "What the hell dude,"

"Cuz you just said "joke of the century" dude." Said Jo with air quotes.

"Gooo before i ruin your pretty Ken doll face."
Jo is a tall guy with admissible amount of muscles. And yeah he pretty much look like Ken doll of Barbie and his girlfriend is like a Barbie made of plastic. I'm not against that but these beauties for me last for one night or hardly for a week. So with said that i looked at him, he was still standing there. I raised a brow at him.
"Ahh c'mon man let's go, don't waste your time she isn't your type. She is a simple girl look at her."
And i really looked at her and become more desperate to have her soon...
I again turned towards Jo and told him to go away. This time he didn't argued with me and went towards his car which was parked outside the park.

I then strode towards the park gate and made my way outside in search of my beauty. I finally found her walking on road side with that kid, and I started following her like a stalker. I can't believe that, well i wish this is all worth it.

And then my friends i started eavesdropping. Can you freakin believe this I'm doing things that I've never done before. THIS IS TRUE LOVE.

Kenza's P.O.V:

"Hey Eth let's go to my home I'll make you something or we'll order some pizza what do you say?"

"Yeah sure why not but why yours why not mine?"

"Cuz we can have more fun at my place we'll also watch a movie what say?"

"K why not. Aww I'm so lucky to have you kenz what would I've done without you."

"Hey stop talking big again gawddd how can you talk like that. K I'll call my Aunt and inform her to tell your parents that you are at my place k so they won't get worried." I told Ethan first laughing at his words then i pulled out my phone from my pocket and called aunt.

Ring. Ring. Ring

"Hello honey how are ya everything fine baby."
Yeah she talk to me like i am her little baby girl but it's fine as she is like a mother to me.
"Yeah aunt Ellen actually i wanna ask you when are you gonna come home." " Ahh honey i won't be coming early and there's a request can you please babysit ethan please his parents won't be coming early too." "Ok that's great actually i was gonna tell you that ethan is going to stay at our place so can you inform his parents but i think it's all sort out then." "Ahh that's great I'll tell them about your plan and honey there is some money i left in the jar in the kitchen, in left cabinet from the stove ok so order some pizza and and and sleep early ok no late night movies ok." "Ok thank you sooo much aunty and don't worry we will sleep early. Take care love you bye."

At the same time Ethan's rubber ball dropped from his half opened toy bag. He tried to pick it up but it rolled to the road. I just turned my phone off and was putting it back in my front pocket when i heard loud horn of cars and tire screeching i looked at the road and screamed aloud when i saw ethan picking his ball and a shadow covering ethan which dropped and rolled on the other side of the road. It just happened so fast that I can't understand what just happened it was like the earth was moving fast people running towards the accident scene and i was standing there numbed, i can't move. Only two questions were in my mind did that shadow or stranger died? DID ETHAN DIED?...


For the answer you have to read the next chapter.

Well here was the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I know it's pretty short well this is my first story and i don't have that much experience so wish me luck 🙌😂. Well this story will be short so please enjoy...

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