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If anyone noticed the change in sleeping arrangements between husband and wife, nothing was said. John and Alexandria were cordial to each other, but nothing more. Their marital bliss lasted less than a week. Alexandria still worked and spent the rest of her time with Hannah and Johnny. Most any time spent with John was during the family meals. Their lives ceased to include each other in any major way.

Johnny was growing by leaps and bounds. Unlike many of the parents of the upper class, Johnny was raised by his parents with help from his grandmother. They didn't hire out a nanny for him. The rumors that floated around were that the Thornton's lacked the funds. That wasn't true in the least. Alexandria enjoyed having the boy around and made sure he knew he was very much loved. She knew the dangers first hand of having workaholic parents and was not going to make that mistake with Johnny.

While she and John both worked, Johnny met with tutors. Alex also tutored him in areas of knowledge that he wouldn't have access to in his lifetime.

It was a dreary and cold Thursday morning and the chatter of the workers had upset Alex. Apparently Fanny Watson nee Thornton had been seen in town the day before. She was looking ragged and worn, sickly even. If the workers noticed, that meant others would have too.

Frowning, she told Annabelle, that she would be gone for a while. If she was needed, have anything that was an emergency to go to Dr. Shanks. Taking her medical bag, Alexandria went to get her heavier wrap from the house.

Hannah Thornton was doing some mending when she saw Alexandria come in.

"Alexandria! Is anything wrong?"

Hesitating, Alex sighed. She answered truthfully. "I am not sure. I have heard some reports that Fanny is ill and I wished to check on her. I just needed my wrap."

Hannah stood at once. "Very well. I shall accompany you then."

"Mother Thornton, there is no – " The words fell away from Alex's lips. Realizing that if it had been Johnny in a similar situation nothing would have kept her away.

"Does John know?"

"Not to my knowledge. I didn't wish to worry him if it was nothing."


The pair took a cab over to the Watson home. Neither woman wished to wait for the private coach to be brought around. Paying handsomely for the carriage, the driver was to stay there until they said otherwise. There was a sinking feeling in Alex's stomach. When the door wasn't answered, she shrugged at her mother-in-law and let them in herself.

The house was a fright. Neither Alexandria nor Hannah cared for the overly ornate style that Fanny kept her home in, but it was never a mess. Hannah called out several time for her daughter and son-in-law. There was an eerie silence in the air. There wasn't even the sounds of servants.

Finally, Alexandria found proof of life in the office of Mr. Watson. He was passed out drunk. His face covered in scratches was a surprise, but the bruised and bloody knuckles even more so. Casting a glance around, Alex found Fanny hiding in a corner. Finger to her lips, she motioned for Hannah to stay silent. Hand over Fanny's mouth she woke the battered woman. Shushing her the same way, Alex helped Fanny up.

"Mother, get Fanny outside and into the cab please? I will be behind you shortly."

Heading upstairs and to Fanny's quarters, Alex didn't bother with clothing. Instead, she packed up anything of worth, such as jewelry. Heading into Watson's quarters she did the same thing. She didn't know what financial situation Watson was in but Alex was going to protect Fanny as best she knew. The carpet bag was heavy as Alexandria came down the stairs. She heard before actually seeing Watson standing in the doorway of his office bellowing out Fanny's name.

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