Chapter Thirty Seven

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Abigor's POV
The cheers rang through the air as our carriage neared the village. I grasped the silver ore tightly in my hands. Today, I was a hero.

As the coach came to a stop, I stepped out - holding the Gafire Ore high in the air. The daylight shone on my face like the light of God. Praises and affirmations were yelled out from the townsfolk. My chest puffed at their words. After all, I was this town's salvation.

Mayor Darius rushed to greet me as I descended from the carriage. A large, potbellied man scurried behind him. Handing the mayor the Gafire, he shook my hand appreciatively, as he should. "Abigor. You have saved us all- M.Bengal will melt the ore right away".

I smirked at his praises, I deserved them after all.
"Townsfolk, prepare yourselves- we leave to slay this beast tonight!" The mayor yelled as the townsfolk cheered before hurrying away. The town square cleared in minutes.
"Now, Abigor. We must talk about our plans for this monstrous beast" Darius edged as I nodded. I began walking towards the town hall, knowing that this town's mayor would follow. After all, I am Asteaia's last hope.


"We don't know where the monster is exactly- we just know he is in the woods" the mayor started before I interrupted. "Mayor. This monster is unlike any I have ever encountered in my many valiant battles. He is almost civilized, well as civilized as a mongrel can be. I'd bet my horse that he is living somewhere in those damned woods. A cave, or house-like dwelling I'd presume." I informed the fools.

The table full of me nodded. "We will obviously defeat this monster- I propose that I shall be the one to slay him. Thomas, Pierre, you both will distract him. I propose we melt a small bit of Gafire into each of their swords, enough to alarm the beast. Then, I will sneak up behind and deliver the fatal blow."

The men clapped, praising my once again brilliant plan. I smirked, soaking up the praise. After all, I am a war hero- I have much better knowledge and skills than anyone in this dingy little village.

After our plans were solidified, Thomas, Darius, Pierre and I marched down to the blacksmith to explain our request. The mayor spared no expense on my new Gafire sword. The town vaults were busted open, gold, iron, and silver were taken. Through the day, the blacksmith hurried tiredly, as did the rest of the town.

I can see it now, my new title; Holy Lord Abigor, War Hero, and Vampire Slayer. My name would be shouted through all of France- every king and peasant knowing my name. When I took Adrienne as my wife, every man in France would envy me.


As the darkness fell upon Asteaia, the townsfolk crowded into the square, armed to the teeth. Some had armor, swords, and stakes. Others carried torches and arrows. I stood in the place of honor, raised on the fountain. Clearing my throat, I mentally prepared my speech.

"People of Asteaia. Tonight, we are hunting a beast, a monster who has threatened our very existence!"

The people of Asteaia cried triumphantly.

"Every moment he lives is a moment where we live in terror. We're not safe until he has been slain. So step up men, screw your courage to the sticking place and follow me to destroy this creature of the night!"

The townsfolk's cries of encouragement were all I needed to continue.

"We will journey through the woods, to snuff out this creature. Once we do, we will end his tyrannical curse and set our village free! Light up your torches, my fellow Frenchmen, and let me lead us to victory! This monster is sinful and mysterious, so expect to see horror's beyond you could ever imagine. Let our sacrifice save our wives and children, and may we pray to God that we escape with our lives. Let us march into battle with hearts of steel, unlike our women's hearts so white. It is our duty as men, to never feel like fearless cowards, yet only reign as heroes. So raise our flag and prepare to fight. Let us kill this beast!" I lifted my Gafire sword high in the air, as the sword glinted in the flame's light

The cheers grew louder as touches were set ablaze, horses mounted and weapons stowed. I mounted my valiant steed as I nodded to my henchmen, Thomas and Pierre. I doubted they'd both live- but it didn't matter. My sole priority was to kill the monster and save my fiancé. Once I rode back, Adrienne would be forced to marry me, the man who saved her very life. She would learn to be grateful and listen to her superiors from now on.

"ONWARD MEN! LET US FIGHT TO THE DEATH!" I commanded. Holding the torch in one hand, I glanced back to see all the men following me. As they should. Including their pitiful mayor Darius. Once I have killed the angel of Darkness, I will be mayor and have Adrienne as my wife. I would be triumphant, I was certain of it. I'll find her, and I'll find her if I have to burn down all of France.

After all, no-one could stop me now, not even God himself.

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