2.9 The Alien Bitch

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"Are you sure that we should keep quiet?" Alex asked Cheb. The GA sending soldiers to hunt them was no small matter. He wasn't very sure if they should keep quiet.

"Lad you still don't understand. You know what kind of person she is. If we tell her about this she will complain a lot. Oh, you couldn't even take care of this on your own? Stop bothering me over such small matters. I need my beauty sleep. You know how she is" Cheb said while imitating Piper's voice

"Hmm, fine" Alex gave in. He didn't want her to get hurt so all he had to do was kill all the ones trying to harm her.

"Lad look!" Cheb said while pointing at the map. You could see a few red dots which meant enemy.

"Press the missile button," Cheb told Alex but stopped him before he could press the button, "Wait! I'll do it instead" Cheb loved bombing things up. How could he let someone else do it?

Soon a few missiles were launched and the ships that were trying to attack them, all exploded.

"Ooohh, how satisfying!" Cheb laughed, "What did the GA think when sending these weaklings?"

"There's more" Alex pointed at the map again. There were very many dots this time

"Haha!" Cheb laughed as he pressed the button multiple times. The enemy ships all exploded.

"There was no need to worry after all" Alex sighed.

And so Cheb and Alex bombed up enemy ships for a few hours until they finally stopped coming. They then went to sleep with ease since they did not think that more enemies would come


[Emergency! Emergency! Enemy infiltration! Please evacuate!]

"What the actual f*ck?" Piper rubbed her drowsy eyes as she cursed in her head. She walked out of her kingsized bed and called for Cheb and Alex, "Radio! Uncle Cheb!"

"Yes?" Cheb ran to her room very quickly with sweat running down his back

"Take care of this nuisance. Right now!" Piper was very annoyed. She was sleeping soundly and having a good dream but the alarm just had to wake her up.

"We can't. We're stuck in this area. They locked the rest of the areas" Cheb looked away as he tried to hide his guilt

"Useless" Piper clicked her tongue while putting on a robe to keep her from freezing, "Radio!"

Alex came running in, "Yes?"

"Pack your stuff. We're leaving" Piper also began packing her treasures (Candy, chocolate, ice-cream)

"Me?" Cheb pointed at himself wondering what he should do. He felt left out since Piper didn't tell him to pack.

"Go sit in a corner" Piper gave him a death glare. She was annoyed at this alien. He was an alien so he should be strong and know when there are enemies. Alex was a human so it was not his fault that enemies infiltrated, but Cheb was not as weak as Alex.

"OK" Cheb did as she said and sat in a corner. He crossed his arms and stared at Alex with jealousy "How come this weakling gets treated so special while I'm just a slave?"

[Surrender or die]

"Don't feel like doing either" Piper answered the voice coming from the speakers.

[Then you will die]

"No. I told you that I didn't feel like it"

[Too bad but you must die]

"Why must I? Is there a rule stating that I have to die?"

[We decided. That's why]

"What makes you have the right? Are you the king? A god?"


The voice didn't answer and a few ugly aliens came in. They wore armor and held these weird guns.

"Kill me" Piper provoked. She was angry and annoyed. She was definitely going to take their heads

"Don't fire" The alien in the middle commanded. The others put down their guns as he ordered. The alien then walked to Piper

"You are hereby under arrest for harming the head." The alien stated with his chin raised high, "Surrender or die"

"Woah. I already told you that I don't want to" Piper scoffed. She raised her foot up high and fiercely stomped it on the alien's foot.

"Agh!" The alien groaned in pain as he stared at Piper with anger. He wanted to hit her but the pain in his foot was really bad.

"Guys, we're going" Piper grabbed her small backpack and walked to the wall, "Uncle Cheb"

Cheb went to Piper and smashed the wall. The wall flew out and you could now see space.

"Put the mask on" Piper threw a mask at Alex and he put it on. She didn't want him to die. They then hopped off the ship and landed on the planet underneath (A/N: Know it's not possible since you float in space and all but this is fiction. Let it be)

"Get them!" The alien ordered his men that were standing still. They were just like Goblan and wouldn't do anything unless their master told them to

"Yes sir" They all hopped off the ship and the commander alien soon did the same when the pain in his foot went away


"Are you sure this is a good hiding place?" Cheb asked skeptically while looking at the ugly tent they made. The planet they landed on was only made of sand so they could only find a few sticks and set up a lousy tent

"No, but better than nothing" Piper answered while chewing on her candy, "Radio play something"

"Yes" Alex did as she said and played a song

"You still took with you the guitar?! You guys are really..." Cheb sighed. What kind of people would bring candy and a guitar when they're about to die? Cheb did not understand them at all

"It's so hot! This hair is so annoying" Piper complained while fanning herself. She was still in her human form since she liked it better than the alien for, but the hair could get annoying at sometimes. Human bodies also tended to get warm but her alien body did not get warm.

"Change back," Cheb said. Piper changed back to her blue alien body with antennas on her head

"Ahh, this is so comfortable" Piper sighed satisfyingly. She then looked at Alex because she wanted to see his reaction, "Surprised?"

"You're pretty." Alex answered as if there was no difference between the human Piper and the alien Piper, "Just cover up those" Alex looked down at Piper's breasts while blushing "What if someone sees? They can't see! Never!"

"Come on. I've always been like this." Piper shook her head while looking at the innocent Alex, "In the alien world this is normal. You can't even see the *** parts so it's OK"

"I just don't want others to see" Alex muttered very quietly so no one heard

"But how come you aren't surprised by my form. Don't you think that I look like a disgusting monster?" Piper asked curiously

"No. Should I?" Alex tilted his head. To him, she was beautiful no matter what she looked like. Blue or whatever. He didn't care

"Truly strange people" Cheb muttered to himself while shaking his head


This arc will end soon.

Now I'm going back to watching Lakorns (Thai Drama). See you guys <33333

-Yours Truly,


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