The Victor Announcement

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The time has come for the end of these Games. Although all three of our tributes could have won, only one was crowned Victor at the end of the Games. We would like to thank everyone for voting. The votes were incredibly close, and had anyone voted differently, the results would not be what they are. Our Finalists all did an excellent job, but, as I said, only one won Writer Games: Never Forgive, Never Forget.

24th: Edward Stilinski

23rd: Rosalie Keller

22nd: Reyes Cropp

21st: Natalie Sparks

20th: Matthew Brennan:

19th: Rye Silverstem

18th: Peter Pevensey

17th: Odette Oleander

16th: Cyanide Strychinne

15th: Emilie Mare Delta

14th: Vivian Dust

13th: Dawson Wildrkim

12th: Aiden Knyght

12th: Acostas Lyacinth

10th: Artemas Butcher

9th: Faith Sungazer

8th: Jace Holter

7th: Hector Moreno

6th: Ainsley Lovell

5th: Flora Wistfield

4th: Magdelaine Francis

In Third Place:

A competitor whose name made her stand out from the very beginning. Although she seemed to go unnoticed throughout most of the competition, the Gamemakers were consistently pleased with her entries. Her change throughout the Games, changing her name to reflect her changed self, Honeysuckle Winter Vyne is a tribute whose name will never be forgotten. Although she could not bring herself to kill her father, and her father could not bring himself to kill her, both hold a spot in the history of these Games.

I truly believe that the top two tributes always knew that it would come down to just the two of them. Thankfully, neither of them killed the other to win. Neither killed anyone to win, actually.

In Second Place:

This tribute's heartbreaking entries, along with his improved characterization throughout the Games, made him a fan favorite. Saved from votes several times during the competition, his entries were always at the top. The Stark family has lost a lot in the Rebellion, and the curse has returned to take Benjamin Stark and his brother. They stayed together till the very end. Truly he will be remembered for his actions throughout the Games, and by the ally who went on to win.

The Victor of the Writer Games: Never Forgive, Never Forget!

Watson Kanto, a standout throughout the competition, proved why he was considered a top dog throughout the competition. His alliance with Benjamin, and his mental and emotional breakdowns throughout the Games entertained us all until the very end. Although he knew that he had to, he could not take his mother's life to end the Games. Thankfully, she did that for him. Please give a big round of applause to Watson Kanto, the one and only Victor of WelcomeToPanem's inaugural Games.

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