YOU FUCKER!!- Alex Gaskarth oneshot

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“Thats right! Keep em coming babe! I can take it!”

“NEVER DO THIS TO ME AGAIN ALEX! ARRRGHHH!!!” My face was drenched in both tears and sweat, and Alex described the color of my face as ‘redder than an apple dipped in ketchup’.

“Come on Y/N, you just gotta give us a few more pushes! You're doing great, just keep yelling at your husband.”


I earned quite a bit of laughter at my cursing and yelling at Alex from the doctors and nurses in the room. 

I grasped onto Alex’s hand even harder than before, although I thought that wasn't even possible. I lifted my head to meet his eyes staring lovingly into mine. Alex took the whole pregnancy thing very seriously and was only away during my first 2 months. After that, he was with me for everyday and every step of the way and I was incredibly grateful.

“I did this to you cause you know…I love you. Remember?” I saw him leaning in for a kiss, when I squeezed his hand again, making him stop in his tracks and make a face of pain.

I looked down at my stomach bump and yelled at it, “GET OUTTTTT!!!!!”

The doctors once again laughed and with two more big pushes, I felt relief. It was done. And then I heard a cry. Oh my god, that was my child crying.

A nurse walked over to the opposite side of Alex, “congratulations Alex and Y/N, your baby boy is looking good! You did great. The doctor will be back with him in a few moments once they get him cleaned and wrapped up.”

The room was empty and all that was heard was my heavy breathing and beeping from the machines. “I cant. believe. I made it through. through 5 hours of labor.” I said to Alex in between my heavy breaths.

He had situated himself beside me on the bed and cuddled into me, “that nurse was right, you did great. You were so brave. And you even made them laugh, so, points for that too babe.” He wiped my face with a spare towel and started kissing me all over.

“Sorry I lost my shit at you…it was all that came to mind.”

“Hey its true, I did this to you! But of course we planned for it. Oh and speaking of planning, something else our lovely friends planned for is also waiting in our other room.”

A minute later, a nurse wheeled my bed into another room and Alex followed. Inside the room, there was a bouquet of flowers, balloons, and Alex’s bandmates/our best friends Jack, Rian, and Zack waiting with smiles on their faces. 

“Thanks for being here you guys!” I said excitedly to them. They all congratulated Alex and I as the nurse left the room.

“Hey where are both of your parents?” Rian asked us.

“The flight out here was delayed a few hours, but they said they’ll be here as soon as they land and get all their stuff.” Alex explained for me. I was a little upset that my parents weren't here for the whole time, but it was something out of control.

I heard a little voice moaning and my eyes shot to the door instantly. 

“Mrs. Gaskarth, would you like to meet your new baby boy?”

The doctor brought him over to me and placed him in my arms. That was it, I started crying again, but not from pain this time. 

“He’s so beautiful.” I heard Alex say from beside me. He reached out and grabbed his hand delicately.

“We’re uncles!” Zack said, “well not blood related uncles, but you know…we’re uncles!”

Alex shushed Zack right away, “dude, not so loud in front of my baby. My beautiful baby boy.”

Alex always talked to our little boy when he was inside of my uterus and promised he would protect him, care for him, and love him more than anyone else. So I always knew he would be an amazing father.

“Speaking of the boy, what are you guys naming him?” Jack piped in.

Alex and I nodded at each other before I spoke up, “Jacob Christian Gaskarth. We both liked the name Jacob and you guys know that both mine and Alex’s grandfathers names were Christian.”

“Also Jack, we need to ask you something” Alex said “Jack, we’d like you to be his godfather.”

Jack was shocked “Me? You serious? Why me though?”

“Well, I’ve known you since we were 17, you've known Alex since you guys were 14, and you were the one who introduced me to Alex. You kinda have a lot to do with all of this.”

“Cool. I have a godchild.” Jack said smiling at Jacob.

Alex and I started cuddling with the baby before I heard Rian clear his throat, “uh, lets give them a few minutes for this family stuff…we’ll be outside, guys.”

Alex, Jacob, and I were having our first moment as a family all by ourselves and everything felt magical. Holding a newborn child in my arms, especially my own child, was beautiful. 

“All that pain was worth it, Alex.”

“I never doubted you for a second, babe.”

“You wanna hold him?”

His eyes grew wide, “do I ever!”

I carefully placed Jacob in his arms and saw Alex tear up while smiling down at him. It was literally something out of a movie.

“Hey Jacob! It’s daddy!” Alex quickly turned to me, “I cant believe I’m a dad. I’ve waited so long to say that,” I gave him a sweet smile before he looked back at Jacob, “I’ll be here for you buddy, whenever you need me. Even if I’m away on tour, you call me, and I’ll be there for you. You have great people around you. Uncle Zack, Uncle Jack, and Uncle Rian, they already love you so much! And of course you have your mommy. Her and I love you to the moon and back, and always will.”

Jacob started stirring in Alex’s arms so he put him down on the bed beside me. Alex then climbed onto the bed as well, sandwiching Jacob in between the both of us.

I was absolutely exhausted from everything and felt myself drifting off. I closed my eyes but didn't fall asleep right away. I heard little sounds coming from Jacob but he seemed comfortable. And then I heard Alex’s singing voice. He was singing Therapy in a light voice to our new baby boy. I felt one of his arms hold my hand, and opened my eye for a second to see that his other one was on top of Jacob. He was pretty much all I dreamed for in a husband, and now he was a dad.

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