Panic Attack and Flower Crowns

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Panic attack

Roman walked through the halls, searching for Virgil. He hadn't shown up to lunch, and it was almost time for their next class. He knew Virgil was their today because he saw him in second period. He walked into the bathroom closest to Virgil's fourth period classroom, hearing heavy breathing and muffled sobs coming from the stall furthest from the door. "Virgil, is that you?"

"U-Uhm, y-yeah.." Virgil mumbles, trying to calm himself down. Roman walked over to the stall where Virgil was, knocking softly.

"Virgil, can you open the door?" Roman asks, speaking softly as to not worry Virgil more. Virgil mentally debated with himself for a moment or two before reaching up and opening the stall door with shaky hands. Roman crouched down next to Virgil. "Am I allowed to touch you, Virgil?"

"P-Please.." Virgil mumbles, wrapping his arms around Roman's neck, burying his face in his shoulder. Roman hugs back instantly, rubbing circles on Virgil's back softly.

"You're okay, Virgil, don't worry. I'm here for you, and you'll be okay. The state your in is temporary. I need you to take a deep breath for me. Can you do that?" Roman says softly to Virgil. Virgil takes a slow, shaky breath, focusing on Roman's voice. "Good job, love. Keep breathing. You'll be okay."

After several minutes of sitting there, Roman whispering encouraging things to Virgil, Virgil had fully calmed down. Virgil pulled away from the hug, wiping his cheeks and rubbing his eyes. Roman softly smiles at him.

"Uh, th-thanks, Ro.." Virgil mumbles, looking at the ground, not wanting Roman to see his smeared foundation he had just wiped away. Roman gently grabs one of Virgil's hands.

"No need to thank me. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly triggered your panic attack?" Roman asks softly. Virg shifts a bit, taking another deep breath.

"Well.." Virgil starts.

"Virgil, you can go next!" His English teacher says, pointing towards Virgil in the back of the classroom. Virgil's head snapped up, his eyes widening slightly. He shakes his head, taking deep breaths. "Come on, Virgil. You need to present."

"I-I can't.." Virgil mumbles quietly. The teacher gestures for him to follow her outside the classroom. Virgil obliged, walking out of the classroom, his shaky hands in his pockets.

"Virgil, everyone has to present. Tell me why you can't." She says to him, shutting the door to the classroom behind him. Virgil kept his gaze on the floor, not wanting to see her stern face.

"I-I have an anxiety disorder.. I-I'll have a panic attack.." Virgil mumbles, biting the inside of his cheek. The teacher sighs, putting her hand on Virgil's shoulder, causing Virgil to tense up.

"Everyone gets nervous, Virgil. Just take a few deep breaths and do it." She says, smiling at him. He shakes his head, shrugging her hand away.

"You don't get it. I will have a panic attack and I don't want to have one. They aren't fun." Virgil snaps at her, instantly regretting it when she glares at him.

"Either you present or you fail, Virgil. It's your choice." She says, walking back into the classroom. Virgil takes a deep breath, walking in after her. He looks up, and sees everyone staring at him. The bell rings, and Virgil quickly runs to the bathroom.

"It was stupid. I didn't even say anything, but everyone was staring at me and I just felt my breathing speed up, so I ran here." Virgil finishes, not looking up. Roman pulls him into another hug, this one tighter than the last.

"It's not stupid, Virgil. Everyone has different triggers for panic attacks, and they are all valid." Roman says, softly. Virgil smiles slightly, hugging Roman back. After a moment or two, they pull away. "Want to go to the lunch table and say hi to Patton?"

"Yeah. You go on ahead, though. I'll meet you there." Virgil says, smiling wider, but still looking at the ground. Roman nods, kissing Virgil's forehead gently before leaving the bathroom. Virgil blushes lightly, and walks to his classroom, grabbing his things. He then walks back to the bathroom, fixes his foundation, and then goes to the lunch table.


"'Sup, Princey?" Virgil asked Roman through the phone, a small smile on his face.

"Get dressed, love. We are going to make flower crowns down at the park." Roman says, a bright smile on his face. Virgil smiles, chuckling softly.

"Okay, am I meeting you there or are you coming to get me?" Virgil asks, standing up. Roman smirks slightly at how willing and happy Virgil seemed to go, and stood up as well.

"I'll be coming to get you, don't worry. Also, how are you doing? Y'know, after your panic attack today?" Roman asks, wanting to make sure his cru- I mean, fake boyfriend was okay.

"I'm doing better. Thanks, again, for helping me calm down." Virgil says, blushing softly, and walking towards the bathroom to put his contacts in.

"Hey, don't thank me. It was no problem. I'm just glad that you're better." Roman says, grabbing his jacket and putting it on. Virgil puts his phone on speaker, setting it on the bathroom counter, putting his contacts in.

"Yeah. Well, I'll see you in a bit. Talk to you soon." Virgil says, walking downstairs to put his shoes on. Roman smiles, walking out his door and towards Virgil's house.

"Yep, see you in a few. Goodbye, love." Roman says, hanging up. Virgil smiles, before realizing something. 'The bet ends tomorrow. Tomorrow is our final day of this.' He thinks, sighing softly.

"It was nice while it lasted.." Virgil mumbles, grabbing his shoes and putting them on.

Shorter chapter oops sorry
I had no idea what to do with this at the start, sorry if this is bad
Also I've been in a bit of a bad mood the last few hours, so sorry about that as well

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