2 - A Promise Between Friends

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As school ended and they had to move away from each other. Todoroki had to return to the sky and Midoriya had to keep his focus on studying even further.

After more than years, it didn't take long for Todoroki's wings to grow bigger and bigger, his right wings changed appearance it took the similar shade of ice that anyone could notice, his wings reaching the final growth in the age of 18 became larger than his body combined able to fly above the clouds with ease. He grew up remembering his promise to Midoriya. He promised he would make sure there would be people who would understand that they are just the same.

Along with his wings, he established a company that is connected with everything grew popular and bigger than any of the worlds' combined. His wings became an inspiration to the flyers and lost of hope for walkers that they could never win. Todoroki having anything anyone could ask for deep in his heart he just wanted one thing, specifically one person.


Remembering what Midoriya said, my wings seen as hideous now is being hunted just to be looked at. Rumors spread around my wings saying I was the son of legends. It's not true at all.

It's funny, I've been judged all my life for these wings and now they are willing to sacrifice just to take a look but not Midoriya. He never did. His face was still carved in my mind that it was easy to remember he had freckles on his cheeks his eyes are big and hopeful. His handkerchief was for mine to keep. Whenever I can I like to fly around the clouds sometimes. I hope someday I could show him the sky as he did with hope for me.

"Todoroki-sama!" It must be Momo. Momo is another flyer that I made friends with. She's my assistant with anything, I am legally obliged not to make decisions with the company without her unless fired. It was part of our agreement and I'll say she handled the company more than I could alone so it was a fair deal.

"Have you seen the news?" I stopped my daydreaming and knew from her voice it was important. She showed me her tablet.


How odd, this title is incredibly misleading. I never had a girlfriend once. This would be bad if this is published down there. I look down at the lower Earth. I hope 'he' hasn't seen this.

"Immediately! Stop the production of these magazines. It's no use if we collect these all around the world." I shouted demandingly. Momo immediately delivered.

"Yes sir." She flew above the clouds and went to our world. I'm guessing back to the company. Meanwhile, I flew down to the forest. Whenever I want to escape, or too angry that you can't imagine. I like to go down the lower Earth in my cabin that I created with my hands. I know I could hire someone but this wouldn't be an escape if it was public. Nothing too special here, it's just an ordinary looking home. My wings are a bother to enter in with a normal door so I created it extra taller.

There's a chance I could burn it down with my left wing but I took care of that. As I grow older somehow I learned to control these wings, I can create ice. I can create fire.

What I did was I covered my left wing with unburnable ice which is ice only I could create. It will always be cold no matter what. Even if I was called a prodigy it doesn't matter to me.

I only have one goal in mind.

Todoroki when he was young he was focused above did indeed get awards as young as he was. 'Youngest Flyer', 'Best Flyer' and more.

Midoriya though, focused down in the lower Earth made himself a name. He was'the smartest walker' they said. He made multiple donations to charities with competition money amd what money he can earn from his own small group that supports him the entire way. You can't properly call it a company but when he needs something they would gladly give it to Midoriya for free. His kindness made him all below earth famous. He's not that known above as they don't really care about what happens below.


"Midoriya!" Ochako-chan, Iida-kun!

"Have you been working nonstop again?" Ochako-chan pouted.

"Midoriya-kun, you should really take care of your health more." Iida gestured with his hands in a weird manner just like what Iida would do.

"Its okay, I'm fine." I scratch my head as they continue to scold me especially Iida giving me a special graph of crime rates and how dangerous it is if I didn't have the energy to fight back. Ochako, Iida, me we are all roommates so it's not hard to notice I've been out and about.

"Wait! Iida-kun he might be working on something important." Ichako covers Iida's mouth. They both look at me waiting for an explanation. I poke my fingers together and sighed.

"Well, I've been trying to write an article for a magazine so that they can feature this charity for adoptions. I want the children to find homes quickly!"

My eyes started to get drowsy then I couldn't see anymore everything turned blurry to blacm. The last I remember was Ochako-chan and Iida-kun screaming so worriedly. Oh, come on guys. You don't have to worry about...me

Midoriya hits his head on the desk. Uraraka started screaming. Iida was preparing already to carry him onti his back. They both rushed him to the hospital.

He was immediately sent to the emergency room.

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