[will be rewriten soon due to poor grammar and other writing mistakes including mistakes in storyline]
{go check out the youtube version if you like~ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJIaIeE2KCH3EyMfyZeMtSRiAvojj25NQ }
Who is in control?
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???: so we meet again I told ya so. ???: Jin who is this human? Jin: she was lost in the woods and she has no one. ???: well we can keep her then right? Jin: yes.
Y/N: ehm I'm not a thing, I'm a human.
???: I don't care. ???: you smell so nice I'll tell you that. Y/N: why are you so weird ???: because.. Jin: we are not human. Y/N: what are you then? ???: we're vampires. Y/N:v...v..va..m....vampires?! Jin: yes are you deaf or something! Y/N: ehmm I think I have to go.
You tried to walk away but one of the guys was still holding you wrist.
???: you ain't going anywhere. Y/N: please just let me go please. Jin: suga! Suga: what?! Jin: stop being so annoying. Suga: I just want to have some fun.
Then Jin grabs you wrist too and drags you with him and suga let go. You walked to a sort of living room.
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Jin: sit here.
He pointed at the couch.
You walked to the couch and sat down.
???: Jin who is this
You heard a voice out of nowhere. Jin: she is just someone new prey.
Y/N: *thinks* prey??
You looked next to you and you we're scared because there was somebody sitting next to you all of the sudden.
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???: ow sorry did I scare you? *laughs* Jin: jimin that's enough. ???: why can't you just all be quiet I'm trying to read.
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(Lol I know he's drinking and not reading in the pic but okay)
Jin: sorry Rm. Y/N: *thinks* wow nice introduction *sarcastic* Rm: and who is this? Jin: she was lost in the woods and.. ???: prey.
You looked to you right and saw another boy
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Jin: well almost everyone is here, where are jungkook and J-Hope? ???: I'm right here.
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Rm: well now we only miss the only sunshine of the house Y/N: *thinks* sunshine? ???: well I'm here.
He was smiling, it felt a lot more welcoming then the others, because they weren't so happy.
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Jin: well now FINALY everybody is here.
J-Hope: so what's going on and what is this girl doing here.
Jin: she is just lost here and now our new prey.
Jungkook: Jin why don't you let her talk?
Jimin: so what's your name? Y/N: Y..Y/N Rm: so Y/N why are you here? Y/N: well my parents abandoned me in the woods and then I came across this castle and it was raining so I thought I should go inside to find shelter.
You then reminded you that the'r all vampires and you got a little scared.
you shiverd a little.
???: looks like somebody is a little scared *laughs* ———————————————————— Save me~save me I don't know how to turn this right anymore I messed up the whole story please help any suggestion is helpful