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     "I remember your body covered in my blood. I remember seeing your face covered in tears. I remember so much but I don't remember why I did it. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember..."

     "Try harder", the mysterious voice said to her.

* * * * * * *

     This is a story of a young girl named Rose Scarlet. Recently aged to 15 and soon to begin her high school experience. It would be a new life for her, nothing ever experienced. She wanted to search for a boyfriend, it was her mission. But not a very smart one.

     Rose is a very beautiful girl, with long red lucious hair. She had a few freckles against her face. Her casual appearance was a ponytail, some jeans, a t-shirt and converse. Rose wasn't much of a makeup wearer, she would hide behind her eyeliner and glasses.

     As I've said before, this story is about Rose Scarlet and her life within high school. It was full of new exciting things along with the darkest times she would ever have to experience. She will have the joys of finding boyfriends, along with her body changing and choosing the friends she will have in her life. She will go through struggles between herself and others. 

It will be a very interesting story indeed. She's had friends fight with her through her dark times, while they had a distance so she could fight herself but also be there in case she needs the extra push. Does she make it through, or does she end it? We will only know soon...

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