Chapter 16. In-Flight Betrayal

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Strauss felt adrenaline spurt through her veins as she entered the code that would connect her to Hotchner. She had two strategies in mind. The first was her standard, tried-and-true method of battering her way through to the truth, browbeating and threatening as she went. The second was one she hadn’t used for a long time. And never on Aaron Hotchner. But the information from that Mayhew-clown in Needles made her consider it. What if she deployed kindness instead of criticism? A sick, tired man might respond very favorably to sympathy and some maternal posturing.

Strauss gritted her teeth as a shudder of revulsion scaled her spine. She had been a strict, but loving, mother to her three children. She had never coddled them. She detested coddling. She was about to coddle Agent Hotchner. She decided it was appropriate, because she detested him as much as she detested it.

Strauss reminded herself what was at stake. Certainly she could endure dabbling in distasteful behavior if it meant the end of Hotchner and the beginning of a bright, new future for herself as the procurer and provider of whatever it was Dr. Reid had to offer.


Hotch closed his eyes and lifted the phone to his ear. He tried to speak quietly, hoping he wouldn’t disturb the rest of the team as they tried to catnap. He was aware of Rossi keeping an ear open despite his relaxed posture across the aisle.


“Agent Hotchner. I understand you did an excellent job in record time. Congratulations. Well done.”

Hotch’s eyes snapped open. The syrupy tone of Chief Strauss’ greeting was like a DEFCON level one alert blasting through his system. His throat felt dry. He licked his lips.

“Thank you, Ma’am. We’re just sorry the…outcome…wasn’t happier for the families of the victims.”

He noticed Rossi was watching him, eyebrows raised. Hotch widened his own eyes and shook his head. He had no idea what was going on, but had a very bad feeling about it nonetheless. Briefly, the image of a mongoose confronting a cobra flashed through his mind. It wasn’t clear at first which party would win, but Hotch could definitely feel a cobra-quality coming at him through his cell. Strauss was weaving and swaying, trying to lull him into a hypnotic trance. He was sure of it. He just didn’t know why and it was making his still-suffering stomach queasier.

“Of course. We all wish it could have ended otherwise. But you did your best.”

“Thank you…Ma’am.”

Awkward silence ensued. Hotch really didn’t know what to say. After a moment, Strauss cleared her throat and spoke in what she believed was a soothing, comforting tone. “I’m sure you’re all exhausted, Agent Hotchner…Aaron…but I do need to touch bases with you about Dr. Reid.” She held her breath, hoping fatigue and whatever illness he’d picked up would prompt the Unit Chief to take the bait.

Hotch shivered when Strauss used his Christian name. Beside him, Reid stirred. Sensing his boss’ distress, he opened one sleepy eye.

“Dr. Reid? What about him?” Reid’s other eye opened.

“Well, I received a very interesting call from…let’s see…” Hotch could hear paper rustling. “…from the Paranormal Investigation Center.” When Hotch didn’t respond, Strauss’ voice lost a tiny fraction of its congeniality. “Does that mean anything to you? Is there something you’d like to tell me…Aaron?”

Out of the corner of his eye, Hotch could see Reid pull himself up in his seat. Hotch turned, locking eyes with the younger agent.

“Aaron? Are you still there?” Definitely a sharper edge to the voice probing at him from across the continent.

Evolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now