Sayori x Male Reader

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(lol im back after alotta time,sorry for keeping ya waiting)

  It is a nice day today.  

You stood up and got ready for school.When you got ready,you waited for Sayori,very patiently.You would never get mad at a cinnamon roll such as her.

After a few minutes,she had finally arrived.

"Im sorry for keeping you wait again!" She said

"Its okay!" You say "Lets just go to school,Okay?"

"Oki Doki!" She happily says

After a small while of walking,you arrived to school

"Welcome back, [Y/N]" Yuri said

"Hello" Natsuki "greeted"

"Hi,[Y/N]" Said Monika

"Heya everybody" You sai--

"HELLO!!" Sayori yelled

"You might wanna keep it down,Sayori.." You said

"Whoops,sorry..ehehehe.." Sayori akwardly laughs

"Its okay!" You say,while literally the whole Literature club looks at you.

"Do you think he/she likes her?" Yuri whispered to Natsuki and Monika

"No..I think he/shes just being friendly..Either way they are childhood friends" Monika whispered

"It could be possible thought..." Natsuki whispered

After a few minutes,the girls and you got into everyday business..poems and talking

When club time  was finished,you wanted to talk to Sayori for a bit. And yeah,you actually did talk to her.

"Hey,Sayori!" You said

"Hm?" Sayori looked at you

"Wanna hang out today? If you have time,of course" You said,quite confidently

"Of course,[Y/N]!" Sayori said.

"Cool,lets go"

You two walked back to your homes,but you two decided it could be better to go on a walk.You and Sayori walked by a small fountain and watched it for a bit.

"..Sayori?" You nervously said

"Yeah?" Sayori responded,smiling.

"Theres something i needed to tell you" Of course,it was the perfect moment for you to confess your feelings for your precious childhood friend.

"You can tell me anything, [Y/N]!" Sayori said,and it looked like she stepped a bit closer..?

As you took a deep breath,and thought of what you are going to say. You inhaled all the courage and confidence you had,and told her everything. (You can think of your own response!)

"..." Sayori looked at you,with her smile fading away.

"...?" You looked at her

"..I thought that.." Sayori said

"..Are you sure..?" Sayori said,again

"..Im more sure than i ever was" You said

"Sayori,i liked you ever since,I want you to understand that i love you,i really do. Tell me now,will you be with me?" You said

"I-I.." Sayori started to tear up

Then,Sayori hugged you tight

"I-I love you too,[Y/N]" Sayori said

"I thought that you would never love me..I thought that everyone would be happier without me.." Sayori started to sob

Then,without thinking,you kissed that poor cinnamon roll of yours


"Sayori,everyone here loves you,and I love you the most,please,dont dissapear out of my life,I love you,Sayori,I love you"

Sayori nodded and hugged you once again,feeling safer and happier.

"...I should let him go..he is happier now.." Monika whispered,walking away.

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