125. Blog Post

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Mrs Cecilia Rose Wasilewski

Hey Guys x

I signed my new name for the first time and, to be honest, it kind of freaked me out. I mean, of course, a name is just a name and doesn't have anything to do with your personality. But this name does. This new name represents a whole new chapter in my life. It represents the connection that I share with my husband.

Oh yeah, did I mention that I got married? Because that happened.

People always say that your wedding day is the best day of your life and it really was. I mean, when else do you have a room-full of your favourite people telling you how perfect you and your spouse are for each other? Or even better, all of those people wishing you eternal happiness? And that's without the fact that I now have a husband to go through life with!

As you're reading this I'm still on my honeymoon. We're sunning it up in an undisclosed location drinking in the feel of each other. Revelling in the most loved-up state we've ever been in. And it's beautiful and amazing and perfect. I've never felt anything like this before.

And then we're going to go home. To the home that we bought together, that we'll share with Loki, and I can't wait. Weirdly, that's the part I'm looking forward to most.

I loved the wedding, and I'm loving the honeymoon. But they both feel like this really vivid dream. That maybe I didn't get everything I wanted, maybe I'm not actually Mrs Wasilewski.

I want to get to the part where everything's normal. Where we go food shopping or to work and it's normal life and the only thing that's changed is us, the fact that we're married. I want to go out with friends, and look down at the ring on my finger, and know that my husband is going to be waiting for me when I get home. That he'll always be there.

But the best thing is, even though my life doesn't feel normal quite yet, he is here. And he always will be, no matter what.

Yours, Cece.

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