Chapter 39~

442 19 15

[Travis' POV]

I chased after Katelyn, and kept up with her but she didn't notice. She was too focused on getting back to her house.

"Katelyn! Hold on!" I said, grabbing her shoulders and stopping, and she struggled to get out of my grip.

"Travis! Let me go! I need to get to him!" Katelyn struggled, trying to elbow me.

"You need to think! Do you really want to run into danger with a chance of dying, just to see if he's alright?" I ask.

"Yes!" She says, twisting out of my grasp, but standing there. "I need to be there for him. He's one of the only people who've been there for me!" She runs off again.

I shake my head, running after her.


Right before I enter the house, an ear-splitting scream echoes throughout. I rush upstairs, to see Katelyn standing in the doorway, then sinking to the floor, as a blue version of Kacey stood, nailed to the wall. My heart raced as I saw his cold, lifeless eyes, and too many memories flashed in my head at once. 

I looked down at Katelyn, tears fiercely streaming down her cheeks, as she sobbed. 

If this was revenge, it was a cruel one. 

And I know only one person who has revenge this strong.


"Are you sure it's Unknown?" Sarah asks, concern lacing her voice. 

"Positive. Who else would kill someone for revenge?" 

"Any serial killer?" Zane supplies. 

"No, this is Unknown." Sam supports, looking at the photos I took. "There's no doubt." 

"If you're so sure..." Sarah says, also looking at the pictures. "I mean... I can kinda see it." 

"Zane, can you pull up the photos of Virgil?" Sam asks, and Zane nods, doing so. Sam places the two photos side by side. 

"Ah.. I see it." Zane says, looking at the extreme similarities of the two. 

"Bad thing is... We can't tell the cops until we know for sure either who he is, or everyone is safe." Sarah says, and I nod. 

"We can't let Unknown kill anyone else."


Word Count: 344 words


Okay but I was cranking out this chapter with the song (and playlist) above. Created by moi. (The playlist is, duh.)

Anywho, hope everyone has a good summer! Au Revoir! 

Ily all! xoxo Sam

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