5- Can I See You Again?

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After the match I was invited over at Midoriya's. Obviously he can not enter my home as he doesn't have one thing I do.

As we arrive to their place. I was amazed at how honestly warming it was. I guess the three of them live together.

My wings couldn't get in the door so I was offered to stay at the backyard. It was as lovely as well. I sat down on their chairs and started to unfreeze the left wing just so I can refreeze it. It would be terrible if I had accidentally left some of it exposed in Midoriya's garden speaking of he came out a sliding door holding two cups of steaming coffee.

"Gardens, huh?" We both move our heads to look around. There were flowers and a small fountain by the side.

"Midoriya, why did you call me Sama?"

"You're Todroki Shoto after all. I'm forced to pay my respect. You have been my idol for so long I'm sorry." He scratched the back of his head and gave off a nervous laugh.

"Midoriya, you don't have to."


I can't believe that Sir Todoroki is sitting with me. His left wing is frozen even more than earlier. I guess he melted some of it earlier so we could fly. I just wonder, how is he flying with a wing covered with ice. Though not even the other one is normal. It's somehow giving off a cold feeling even though it appeared sort of normal.

It's quide sad I can't see his left wing they say it's really beautiful. His wings are really big too more than the elder of the flyers.

I wonder.. why is the greatest human of all time looking at me so distant?

"You dont remember?"


"No. Nevermind" Now he's just really making confused. I could never have been close with someone as cool as him.

He stands up from the chair, reaches his hand out to me and I took hold of it. He started flapping his wings. I feel my legs starting to float. We were flying. Ah! I can't believe it. His left wing covered jn ice started to melt and drip on our coffees down below. Fire? His wing is fire? As I stare my eyes glued onto it. Majestic, Stunning.. just beautiful. It was a sight rare to see and definitely better up close.

My legs felt the grass and as soon as I knew it. We were back on the ground.
"Should I call you Todoroki then?" He shook his head.

"Then, hmm Shoto?"

He turns coughing and just said yes. I wonder why he turned around.

The flames of his left wings got bigger and bigger able to burn the grass on his feet.


The fire from his wing sized down so did the fire that was underneath .

"Midoroya, I am so sorry."

"No. It's fine. I'm sure we can do something about that spot. Hey! Maybe we can make it into a fireplace perfect for roasting marshmallows."


As Midoriya continued to talk. I couldn't help but see ourselves, us back in the class halls. I did something terrible and he found a way to fix it just like the old times. One time, some people threw my homework into my left wing. Of course, it burnt to an unfixable state yet Midoriya somehow found a way. He made a whole copy of my homework from crisps and burnt paper. I couldn't have thanked him enough.

Still. I have yet to do that.

"Shoto, um.. I'm gonna go get the cups washed. Feel free to roam around." He was moving his hands. I can tell he was panicking.

"Don't burn anything. I know you'll never say it but I'll keep my word." He smiled and went back inside.

Four hours, it was worth it after all. I'll make sure to extend our agreement. I'll check on that with Momo. I check my phone and it has passed 3 hours after the signed agreement. I specifically told Momo to send them the document at 9:30. I trust she handled it well and on time as promised.

I guess I'll ned to go. See you again Midoriya.

I loosened them up a bit with a little stretching and started flying.

See you.


"Shoto, ugh theres a lil bit of teensie problem. I'm gonna need to-" As I look up. Shoto was nowhere to be seen. I guess he left already.

Ochako-chan and I had eye contact.

"Midoriya, he'll come back. Plus, dont you have another round?" She went out to the back seeing me sad enthusiastically trying to cheer me up. I'm glad she's positive but after what we had done I don't think so.

"It's impossible. If we even will get to another round, I'm sure rules will change but not entirely. All I have to do is be wary about it. This time, they're really going to make us choose between our beliefs."

"Midoriya-kun. Those are things to be worried about tomorrow. Today, you're going to rest. You have used up your brain too much. You might faint again."

I'm sure if I talk back with perfect history of my sleeping schedule. She will deny me no matter what.

But what she said was true though. I'll probably need to think of this tomorrow.

"Goodnight Ochako-chan!"

She waves back as I head to my room.

Goodnight Shoto-kun..

Grounded to The Sky//TodoDeku AUWhere stories live. Discover now