TWO| Him

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"H-Hello, my name is Jungkook," the boy in front of you spoke shyly with an accent, holding out a slightly trembling hand for you to shake. 

This was the first time you ever met him and your first impression of this shy boy that was supposed to be your neighbor and future companion. 

The older couple from next door had decided to take in the Korean transfer student out of loneliness when the last of their children had moved out. They were good friends with your parents, so, under the watchful eyes of both pairs, they introduced the two of you immediately.

"(Y/N), take his hand," Your mother urged. You honestly felt the situation to be a little ridiculous. They were treating the two of you as if it were a toddler playdate. You were in high school for crying out loud! You knew how to shake someone's hand!

"(Y/N)," You told him, gently grasping his warm and larger hand in yours as you introduced yourself to him. He was undeniably good looking, which honestly made you nervous. You were all too used to good looking people and knew their tendencies when it came to you. You knew what had happened last time you allowed a good looking person to get close to you. As ridiculous as this sounds, these were unhelped thoughts.

Your mom had carefully informed you before Jungkook's visit that you would have to help him make friends and feel comfortable when school started. In other words she wanted you to hand him to the wolves and become corrupted. Was your mother really this oblivious to the happenings at school that she wanted you to push him into it?

"You kids should get to know each other a little before dinner," Your neighbor spoke with a smile, ushering her husband and your parents out of the room so that the two of you could be alone. How smooth. Now you HAD to talk to him in order to fill the choking silence.

"So uh... how has it been here compared to Korea?" You immediately asked halfheartedly, unsure of how to talk to the boy in front of you.

"Different," He answered after a moment of silence, voice wavering slightly.

Jungkook looked very uncomfortable and shifted in nervousness, eyes flickering towards you ever so often as he looked at down at his hands.

"You don't have to be scared, I don't bite," You informed him with a slight smile. Your mom had warned you that if you weren't nice to the boy that you would be severely punished. Most likely beat. And you weren't about that. It was so weird to be conversing with someone your age in a way that wasn't self defense.  Although you were still untrusting, you admitted to yourself that you rather liked it. Normal conversation.

He blinked in relief and smiled back, showing off his bunny-like grin that was admittedly quite cute in a unique way.

"OK." He said simply, causing you to frown a bit.

"By the way, how well can you speak English?"

His smile fell once more at your question and he shifted in nervousness, the pauses between his responses not leaving as he had to give himself time to translate your words.

"English? Not good," he admitted, shyly rubbing the back of his head. "4 out of 100."

You blinked in confusion.

"100 what?"

He cutely scrunched up his nose in thought and started motioning something that you didn't understand with his hands. When he finally figured out the word he was thinking of, he snapped his fingers triumphantly.

"Exam! On my test."

"Ohhh... I see. Yikes."

"Yeah," He agreed sadly, "Fail."

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