Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 50

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Chapter 50:

            “Senna come on, just hold out your hand!” Caden pleads, pouting in front of me. I’m backed up against the glass in a corner of the sun room, in a last ditch effort to get away from Caden and what he’s hiding behind him. Wincing when he takes a step closer, I quickly shake my head back and forth, nearly smacking my face against the glass.

            “You told us we could surprise you so this is which one we picked now you are going to pick this damn thing up and you are going to sit there with it for as long as it takes!” Becca’s voice intercedes, sounding very commanding. My eyes get a little wide and I peek around Caden to look at her and the glass case that’s on a table in front of her.

            The thing in the case moves, skittering over the bottom and backing up into a corner, almost like I am. That movement makes me squeak and back even further up, trembling a little. I really shouldn’t have given them free reign on this.

            “We will sit here with you in this room until you decide to step up and conquer this phobia just like you did with going outside. Okay?” Caden says, moving his face so it’s in my direct line of sight. My eyes focus on his and I can see that he’s telling the absolute truth. Either I get this over with now, or we sit here until I do.

            Sighing internally, I nod my head and then take a few steps towards him. He shuffles out of my way and I take a few hesitant steps towards Becca and the case. I’m still trembling and it seems to get a little worse with each step I take.

            “Sit there.” Becca motions to a hard plastic chair a few feet to my left. I turn and walk over to it, and then sit down. Now I’m face to face with the glass, just a little bit in front of me. The thing inside seems to be staring straight at me with all of its little beady eyes. “Now this is totally harmless, it won’t hurt you, but yes it does look very dangerous. We took great measures to make sure that if it bites, it can’t inject its venom into your bloodstream.”

            With that, she reaches into the case with gloved hands and scoops the spider up, then takes it over to me. Before she’s even close to putting it on me, my eyes slam shut and my breath seems to be sucked out of my lungs.

            I wait in agonizing anticipation until those first few furry legs touch the bare skin of my arm, and I nearly scream and toss it off. But I steel myself, clenching my hands on the arms of the chair, and wait it out. Becca’s hands brush against my arm as she finishes depositing the spider, sending chills up and down my body.

            “Senna you do have to open your eyes at some point.” Caden whispers, from a few inches to my right. His voice makes me tense up, but I nod once quickly. It takes me a few minutes but finally I do open my eyes, and look down at my right arm, where the thing is.

            Its body is huge, hairy and just so… imposing. The spider is just sitting on my arm, staring at me with its beady eyes. Its presence is just like a glaring red neon sign saying ‘DANGER’ but I know I can’t do anything about it.

            Of course I could throw it off of my arm or make them take it off and put it away. However a piece of me, deep inside the back of my mind, keeps making me stop before I try. A tiny voice is whispering ‘Don’t. Stop. Leave it. You can do it’.

            “Um Senna, are you okay?”

            The voice snaps me back to the present and I move my eyes from the spider to Becca, and somehow nod my head. It seems like my whole body has frozen up. There’s ice in my veins.

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