I'm Sorry

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1:15 AM
Lannan is moving around so much in his sleep that it's keeping me up.
I'm half tempted to go sleep on his couch, or as he calls it, his lounge.
I start to get up, but he starts grumbling.
"Mmm... what's going on?" He asks, still sounding asleep.
"I'm gonna go sleep elsewhere." I say.
"Nooooo." He whines.
"You won't stay still!" I say.
"Pleasssseee. I want to hold you." He mutters.
I get back in bed, my back facing him.
He inches closer, pressing up against me. He starts kissing along my neck.
"Lannan stop." I say, getting kinda frustrated.
"Why?" He asks softly.
"Just... go to sleep."
"Oh fuck, what'd I do?" He asks, seeming nervous.
"God... just leave me alone, please!" I say, raising my voice a bit.
He let's go of me, trying to avoid physical contact.
I sigh, "I'm sorry. I don't wanna hurt your feelings."
I face him, so he wraps his arms back around me.
I rest my head on his chest, closing my eyes.
7:00 PM
Later that day
Today was basically the same as yesterday. I hung out with Tannar, and took care of Lannan.
I've been thinking a lot, and... I don't think Lannan and I should be together anymore.
I come into his room as he's getting dressed.
The second I lay my eyes on him, I burst into tears.
"I... I can't do this." I sob.
He looks terrified.
"No. Can't do what?" He says, shaking his head.
He comes over to me, taking my hands.
I pull them away from him, which really hurts him.
"This." I say.
"Lannan... I live on the other side of the goddamned planet. I can't afford flights here I can't..."
"We'll make it work." He says frantically.
"No, we won't."
"B-but you and Francisco did it."
"You saw how that turned out."
He frowns, slapping his hand over his face.
"What can I do? I'll literally do anything for you." He panics.
"Lannan, stop. Please."
He covers his face again, turning around.
He lets out one, soft sob, then faces me again.
"Lindsey, I fucking love you." He cries.
"I'd do absolutely fucking anything to make this work. I can come move in with you over there."
"It's not that easy."
"Come on, please. You're the best fucking thing that's ever happened to me. Don't go. I... I'm sorry, for anything I've ever done, anything that made you think this way I'm sorry." He sobs.
I can't bear to see him this way. It's killing me.
"I can't be here right now." I say, leaving his room.
I shut the door behind me.
He swears loudly, then there's a crash sound.
I quickly go downstairs, then outside. Where the hell am I gonna go? I don't have a car...
I walk over to Franco's house, staring at the front door.
No, I'm not crawling back to him.
I just wonder if I should go back home now...
2 hours later
I've been sitting out on the curb, thinking about what I should do with my life.
Suddenly, I hear a door open, and footsteps, but decided to ignore it.
"I've been thinking for a while." Lannan says from behind me.
I turn to look at him.
He sits beside me, and takes both of my hands.
"I'm moving." He says.
"Where to?"
"Wherever you go."
My lip quivers, and I look at him.
"I can't let you do that."
"Oh you can't stop me." He says, smiling almost.
"So soon though." I say.
"I don't care."
"You're moving away from your home."
"Don't care. I can visit. We can visit."
I sit in thought, trying to process everything.
He lifts my chin up, forcing me to look into his eyes, "I love you."
I blink away a tear, "I... I love you too."
He gently kisses my forehead, then my lips.
"I'm so sorry." I cry.
"It's okay."
He lifts me off the ground, leading us back inside.

In the house, Lannan carries me to his bed.
"It's time for you to be happy now." He says.
He throws me onto the bed, making me squeal in laughter.
He places himself between my legs, grabbing both of my thighs.
He starts tickling my stomach. The position he's in makes it nearly impossible for me to move.
So, of course, I laugh uncontrollably.
He stops, grabbing onto my thighs.
I moan softly, grabbing his hands.
"How do you feel?" I ask him, wondering if he still feels a bit sick.
"Turned on." He says.
I laugh, "no I meant if you still feel sick."
"Oh... a little."
He puts his arms under me, lifting me back up.
He carefully sets me back on the floor, laying on top of me.
"This is how it all started love." He mutters.
He presses his nose into mine, just slightly.
"We kinda got into it that day too." I say.
He giggles, "we did. Which is weird. I'm glad we did though."
"Fuck you're gorgeous." I say, pulling his head closer to kiss him.
I bury my hands in his hair, pulling on it just as a tease.
He presses his lips to my neck, muttering, "maybe we need to have make up sex."

"Maybe so." I say, grabbing at his waistband.
He lifts me up off the ground, going back to the bed.
"Wait... before we get started, I gotta send a real quick text." He says, getting on his phone.
I wait patiently.
Suddenly my phone goes off, so he looks at me, smiling.
I read from him, "hi sexy."
I look at him, giggling, then type; "we doing this or what?"
He raises his eyebrows at me, replying with, "absolutely. But first come give me a kiss."
I smile, "why are we texting?"
"Cuz we can and it's fun." He laughs.
I slide my hand under his jaw, kissing him sweetly.
"I can't wait to come move in with you." He says as he pulls away, leaving our foreheads touching.
"Me too." I mutter, kissing the tip of his nose.
I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.
He grabs my chin, pulling me away.
"You're gonna get sick sweetheart." He says softly.
"I don't care." I laugh.
1 hour later
Lannan lies beside me, panting, and I lie with my eyes barely open.
We both really don't feel so good now.
I start to almost fall asleep, but his breathing scares me, so I reach out and take his hand.
"Are you o-okay?" He stutters.
I set my head on his bare chest muttering, "I think so."
My head and chest ache so badly, the inside of my nose burns, my throat is closing up and super sore.
Dammit Lannan! He got me sick. Not that it's that surprising.
He puts his sweatpants back on, then wraps his arms around me.
I can barely even keep my eyes open.
He wraps a blanket around both of us, cuddling up to me.
Next morning
I wake up, my face on Lannan's chest. I'm still so tired though.
"Are you awake?" He asks me softly, sounding like he's been up for hours.
"Mmm mmm." I grumble, shaking my head.
"I'm sorry I got you sick." He mutters.
Well there's not a possible way that would have prevented me from getting sick. We have been making out nonstop and constantly touching each other.
"It's okay sweetie."
"Do you not feel good?" He asks slowly.
"Lannan I haven't felt this sick in years." I describe.
He plays with my hair, carefully brushing through it with his hand.
"Damn it, i'm sorry darling."
He starts kissing all over my face and neck.
"Stoppp!" I whine, puting my hand on his face.
"Come take a shower with me." He whines back, scooping me up in his arms.
"Noo." I say, rolling away from him.
"We both need showers. It might make you feel a bit better too." He explains.
"I'm too weak. I feel like I'll just fall over." I say.
"That's why I'm gonna come with you."
"No. I don't want you to." I grumble.
"Okay fine, but at least let me help you to the bathroom. I don't want you getting hurt."
He lifts me up, helping me stand on the cold floor.
He ends up just hugging me.
"I don't have any comfy clothes left to wear." I say.
"Wanna wear my onsie?" He asks, getting way too excited about it.
"Yeah." I laugh.
He leads me to the bathroom, all excited now.
We get into the bathroom, so he turns the water on for me, getting it at a good temperature for me.
He comes back to me, grabbing the bottom of my shirt, "arms up." He says softly, pulling my shirt off.
For the billions of times I've been sick in my life, I've never felt this weak and dizzy. So Lannan helping undress me is actually a good thing.
He carefully unbuttons my shorts, pulling them down for me.
"Grab my shoulder, and step out." He directs me
I step over, letting my shorts drop off my ankles. I turn my back to him so he can unclip my bra.
As he does so, I let it drop off my shoulders.
"I can do my underwear." I say, still not facing him.
"I don't want you to lose your balance." He says, literally sounding concerned.
I pull them down to my ankles, kicking them off.
I open the shower door, almost falling.
Lannan barely gets his arm around my waist in time.
"Let me stay in here to make sure you dont fall." He says kindly.
"No no I'm okay."
"You almost fell already."
"I'm fine."
"Can I at least sit in here?" He asks.
"You can sit outside the door." I say, shutting the shower door behind me.
Lannan's P.O.V
I sit outside of the bathroom, the door cracked open.
She's scaring me.
I don't reckon I've seen someone this disoriented when they're sick.
Suddenly, there's a loud thud.
Dammit she fell!
I throw the door open, quickly pulling the shower door open too.
She lies on the floor, unconscious.
"Oh fuck." I mutter to myself, kneeling beside her.
"Lindsey, sweetheart, wake up." I say, honestly terrified.
I set my hand on her neck, checking her pulse.
Well she's not dead. So that's good.
I turn the water off, lifting her off the floor.
I grab her towel, wrapping it around her, then I take her to my bed.

*was in the mood for some depressing crap so here it is. Also, after writing this, I legit started to feel sick. I've been sneezing all day, lol I'm dying. *

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