[23] Closer

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Jungkook cradled Tae in his arms, caressing his head, whispering into his ear, comforting the weeping prince as the two collapsed on the floor, holding each other.

After what felt like a lifetime and Jungkook's arm was soaked in tears, Taehyung managed to whisper, glaring into the younger's eyes for the painful question.

"Why did you leave me?"

"Why don't you love me?"

Jungkook continued to wipe away the tears as he cupped Tae's face with both of his hands for a moment before removing the left one to rub his back and hold him close.

Their hearts beat in sync, as Tae could feel the strong, steady beat against his chest, the vibrations calming his sobs to merely tears.

"Baby, I never said any of those things"

Taehyung looked up in shock, clearly not making sense of the younger's words.

"But.... the letter, and you left...... I got promised to Jimin,"

He stuttered, his mind clouding as he attempted to understand.

He saw Jungkook's cheeks inflate, his face only slightly visible in the candlelight that really made him look incredible.

"Tae, this is going to sound insane, and you're probably going to be scared, but I swear to you on my life I will never allow harm to come to you," Jungkook swore, holding Taehyung tighter against his firm body.

"J- Jungkook what are you talking about ohmygod"

He was flustered as Jungkook was unbuttoning the velvet that hugged his body, but nearly began weeping when he saw the giant gash covered by a large, bloodied bandage.

It was then when he noticed Jungkook's formerly soft and flawless hands.

They were covered in bruises and cuts that looked quite fresh.

He grabbed one of the hands, and rubbed it, bringing it up to his lips.

He couldn't be mad. He should be. Jungkook had left. He had abandoned him.

But the wounds told a different story.

It made Taehyung's blood boil to think of someone touching HIS baby.

"Who hurt you"

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