Chapter 28

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A Day at Work

"You can just drop me at the bus station, you know. Seriously, there is no need for you to drive me there." I battled with Caius on driving me towards my workplace because he insist on taking me there.

"Will you just shut up and let me drive you there. I am not gonna repeat myself again and it is just for today." He snorted, irritated with my stubbornness.

I am currently sitting inside the car with him and it's just been three minutes since we left the house. "But Caius, you will be late at work because of me! You will be driving me there for almost an hour then another hour drive back to the hospital!"

"I already told you to shut up, Shanaya. Choose, you shut up or I will drop you here in the middle of the woods." Caius flashed me his death glare causing me to fall in silence.

I scoffed and had no more choice but to cross my arms. "Fine, don't blame me if you got in trouble in the hospital."

Caius shakes his head then continued driving. I am actually quite surprise that he had everything ready once I woke up. There are tons of breakfast meals at the table, they are served just for me to make sure that I don't get hungry at work and Caius seems to be ahead of me all the time. He is planning things out before I could do it.

"How long do you usually finish your job?"

"Depends, usually I finish work at night but sometimes especially if there are hot issues, I got home almost midnight" I tried to recall my days at the office before.

"It's just your first day so I assume that you do not have that much work yet." He murmured, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

In an hour, we are able to reach the city. The familiar surroundings excites me like it was shouting that I'm back home. This is where I started my dream and I plan to continue my life here. But of course, everything becomes different when I married Caius. As planned, some part of my life is gonna change. And that change is here.

We finally able to reach our destination and I excitedly got out of the car. Caius follows behind and stare at the entire building. "So this is it."

"Yes." I squealed, grinning wide. "I will see you later the!"

I started pacing towards the building, greeting some familiar people when Caius called me again, causing me to turn and face him. Catching me by surprise, he is standing behind me.

"C-Caius? What's wrong?" I asked.

I gasped when he suddenly pulled me towards him and kissed me right there in the middle. My breath stopped at that moment because I don't know why he did that. He pulled away, our eyes locked. "Take care." He whispered at my ear, then placed one quick kiss on my cheek. "Don't go home on your own. Call me."

I nodded quizzically then couldn't look at him in embarrassment. Those people who saw us just smiled and seems to blushed.

"Goodbye." I muttered then starts walking inside the building. I was immediately greeted by the security at the entrance because they have been working here before I did so I knew them well.

Miss Cara told me that I should go up to the conference room before I head back to my office. More familiar people greeted me on my way up to the eleventh floor and those people that was in the elevator with me.

It's just a few months that I was gone. So many there are still aren't that much changes.

When I reached the eleventh door, I walk straight to the conference room. But as soon as I opened the door, some confetti was exploded for me and a group of people were gathered in front of the huge table.

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