Chapter 1

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If this pizza doesn't hurry up and get here.
I look out the window of my California apartment. It's expensive as hell and I'm in shock I'm still living here. I share it with my roommate, of course. Her name is Abigail. I don't know why I'm looking out the window when I can't see crap from all the way up here.


I turn around to see the plastic cups on the ground and the twins Harry and Harmony pointing fingers at each other. I roll my eyes and order, "Please, pick up the cups and be more careful next time."

They giggle and pick up the cups. "Suzette, have you seen my graphing calculator?" I look at Tyson.

I cross my arms and fuss, "Are you serious?! I swear if you lost it..."

" need to chill I just misplaced it. When is the pizza coming you only get this attitude when you are hungry.He cuts me off.

I roll my eyes at him and mumble under my breath, "I don't get an attitude when I'm hungry."

"Yeah, you do." protest Tyson.

I make sure to bump into his shoulder purposely, more like his hip, since he is a whole foot taller than me. He doesn't even move but I ended up slightly getting off balanced. He laughs at me and pulls out his calculator from his backpack.

"Ah, I found it."

"Good." I mumble.

"I don't want to buy you another one. Those are an arm in a leg." I begin to head to the kitchen when I hear the doorbell and a knock following after.

"Food!" I scream and run to the door. I open it and the pizza guy says, "Order for Suzette."

I could smell the cheesy deliciousness coming from the box. I could imagine myself pulling a slice from the circle and see the steam rising into the air filling the room with its smelly goodness. I snap out of my mouth watering daydream and I reply, "That would be me I believe it was thirty dollars."

The man nodded and I handed him thirty-five dollars. "The five is your tip thanks."

He thanks me and leaves. I close the door and shout out. "Pizza is here!" Next thing I hear is a bunch of feet and bumping against the wall and shouts of finally and hooray. I put the pizza on the table and grab some plates from the kitchen. "Thank God I'm starving." cries Abigail dramatically.

I laugh, "Me too I could eat a whole cow."

She stops smiling and looks at me. "Um yeah, I think not." I look at her and give her 'I'm not serious' look. Abigail is a vegetarian. Her love for animals is beyond my understanding. She has a dog back in Georgia her name is France. She couldn't bring her to California it would cost too much to feed her. I will never let Abigail live down her buying a tofu bone to remind France of her. Poor France.

"Cows are not to be eaten."

Harmony looks up at Abigail and squeak, "But cow taste so good."

Tyson bursts out laughing, "Shit, you got that right." I smack the back of Tyson's head.

"Shut up and watch your mouth around the little ones. I'm going to go get the baby don't you even think about touching my pineapple pizza." I scold.

As I walk away Tyson spats out, "Anyone in their right mind knows fruit on pizza is a crime." I roll my eyes even though he can't see and go get the baby from the play pin. I coo her and head back to the kitchen. I get her bottle from the fridge and warm it up. I do a patch test to make sure it's not too hot for her to drink. I feed it to her and I sit down on the island high chair. Harry hands me a plate of food and I smile and thank him. I watch everyone eat and smile. Life looks good but I feel that something is missing. I always do but I don't know.

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