22. Cat comfort. (Kai x Ein)

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(Ein is not obsessed with Aphmau, he's still the omega and him and Kai are dating. Enjoy tigers.)

Kai smiled as Aphmau giggled with Katelyn. The three teens were sitting on the bleachers while some sports game was taking place in the field. It was almost a half an hour before lunch.

"So Aphmau, I'm guessing your mom is still up tight about the whole boy thing?" Katelyn asked.

Aphmau sighed. "Yeah. She won't stop bugging me about it."

"Same with my dad. He keeps saying that if he catches me with one, he will personally punch him himself." Katelyn groaned.

"Man, I feel sorry for you two." Kai rested his elbows on his knees.

"Yeah, it sucks to have a overprotective parent." Katelyn agreed.

"Hey at least it shows that they care." Aphmau brought up a good point.

"Guess you're right." Katelyn faced towards the game.

Aphmau giggled. "You know I'm right."

Kai chuckled at the two. He glanced at the field, seeing the other students playing their game. The girls' conversation pulled him back.

"Hey that's not fair. I just realized that I'm the only one out of the three of us that doesn't have uniquely colored hair." Aphmau exclaimed.

"Actually, Aphmau, your hair does have a slight purple hint in it." Katelyn said.

"Yeah but we all know it's black." Aphmau responded.

"So? Aaron's hair is black." Katelyn made the girl blushed.

"Katelyn!" She was embarrassed.

Kai laughed as Aphmau spoke back to her friend. He was busy watching the two that he didn't notice that someone come up the bleachers and sat beside him.

The mei'fa looked back, catching a flash of dark blue in the corner of his eye. He saw Ein sitting beside him. His grey eyes looking out into the field.

"Hey Ein." Kai carefully placed his hand on top of Ein's.

"Hey." Ein said softly, gripping Kai's hand more.

Kai noticed that the werewolf's eyes were dull, not a spark to be seen in them. His ears were down and his tail was brought close to his side.

"Ein," Kai couldn't get his attention. "Ein."

Ein sighed lightly. "Yeah, Kai?"

Kai moved his hand to Ein's shoulder. "Why won't you look at me?"

Ein didn't answer as he shifted his gaze. It lowered causing his hair to cover his eyes. His ears went back more.

"Ein, what's going on?" Kai asked.

Instead of responding, Ein stayed quiet. Kai saw his boyfriend's hand grip onto the bleachers as well as a silent tear go down his cheek.

Kai grabbed Ein's hand and pulled him down after him as he walked down the steps. He dragged him around to the backside of the bleachers, out of sight.

Kai felt Ein stop once they were back there in a stubborn like manner. He turned to the slightly taller teen.

"Ein- " Kai suddenly stopped, seeing a small trail of blood that had leaked from the corner of Ein's mouth. "Ein, what happened? Who did this to you?"

Ein didn't speak letting Kai gently clean the blood away. Kai removed his dyed hair from his face to find a long open scratch under one of his eyes.

"Ok! Enough with your silence! Who did this to you?!" Kai caressed his unharmed cheek.

Ein finally broke letting a few tears form and fall. "They... they were there... a whole group of them...."

"Babe, just take a deep breath."

He did so, feeling a bit better afterwards. "They abused me for being the omega again..."

"Oh, Ein." Kai hugged his boyfriend.

Ein hissed in pain sharply. Releasing him, Kai became very concerned. Ein's eyes winced shut, his hand fisting his clothes.

Kai sat the werewolf down. Ein flinched as he readjusted his knee. Kai pulled down Ein's sleeve to find a big bruise on his shoulder.

"You have to see the nurse." Kai demanded but Ein shook his head.

"No. It's just gonna prove that I'm weak to the others."

"I don't care right now. You could be seriously hurt-"

Ein cut him off kissing him softly. Kai sighed melting into it. He was meaning to pull away before Ein placed one hand on his waist, the other on he side of his face.

Kai pulled away letting Ein lean weakly. "Ein?"

He looked drowsy, light headed. Suddenly he gripped onto his stomach as a small amount of blood was coughed up. Ein choked on the metallic taste.

"Ein!" Kai held onto him, supporting him the best he could.

He groaned before whispering. "Love you, cat."

Then there was black.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Wha...." Ein mumbled waking up. A soft pain churned in his stomach. He sat up slightly, feeling a sharp pain go through his shoulder. He gasped wincing.

"Ein," Kai cautiously sat beside him, taking hold of his hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I have been hit with a dozen volleyballs by Katelyn," He rubbed his head. "What happened?"

"You past out behind the bleachers. I brought you to the nurse." Kai explained watching his finger trace small squiggles on the back of Ein's hand.

Ein became alarmed. "What?! Do you know what they will do now?"

"I know, you told me." He said calmly.

"Geez..." Ein ran a hand through his hair. "I'm gonna be known as the weakest omega to ever exist at this school."

Kai put a hand on his face, placing a small kiss on his cheek. "Ein, listen to me, ok?"

Ein nodded a little. Kai wiped away his few tears that had fallen.

"I don't care what they think, I don't care about what they say you are. You are the Ein that I love ok? And I know you have a hard time with being the omega here at Phoenix Drop. I agree that it's not fair but you have to not worry so much about it. It causes you to stress out and it concerns me. I feel like you forget or ignore that I'm here to help. I'm here for you." Kai poured out like he was close to crying.

Ein carefully took hold of Kai's hand, kissing him. It was soft, and slow. Kai knew Ein wasn't arguing against what he said, he could feel it.

The werewolf pulled away. The two were looking at each other, Ein smiled a little at his boyfriend's gleaming eyes. Kai snuggled his head under Ein's, putting his arms around his waist.

"I'm here to help you, Ein, just remember that." Kai kept a gentle hold on him.

Ein soon gave into it, cautiously putting his arms around him. "Thank you..."

"I love you..."

Ein could feel the faint purr from Kai. "Love you too, Kai..."

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