An Unfinished Effort...

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I can feel myself slowly fall towards insanity, I can feel nothingness
replace blood in my veins.
Nobody notices my expression stay
numb, nobody notices that I'm slowly going insane.
Is this what it feels like to go crazy?

I don't fit inside my body, like it was never mine to begin with.
I can't leave it, I'm tied to it, I can't make a move, I just lay stiff.

Ok, to me this feels very unfinished.
In December I was diagnosed with depersonalization/derealization, I'm very bad at describing it and in the past few months I've struggled to cope with it. I've tried to write about it before but I can never quite capture the feeling, so I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense. I tried.
Anyway, thanks for reading.

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