Chapter 14

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Lena hadn't spoken to or seen Kara in almost a month, as her and Sams friendship began to blossom and Lena began to think about what her life would be like without her ex best friend, and everyday it seemed to get easier to imagine. It also helped that her work in the lab was taking over her life, giving her no spare time to miss Kara. She had been assigned to a new genealogy research project, the one that she had been dying to take part in. Focused around stronger and more effective radioactive treatment for cancer, or thats all Lena had managed to reveal so far. 

Lena leaned back in her desk chair in front of the monitor, the lab completely silent apart from the odd shattering of glass coming from Sams own office. Lena groaned in frustration, unable to crack the code, for the first time in her life. So far the radiation had either been far to strong, or far to weak and she just couldn't find out how to achieve that perfect balance. There was a faint knock at her lab door, Lena looked up, rubbing her eyes, she hoped that Sam had come to distract her from this impossible task and maybe give her a few new ideas to try. 

"Come in!" Lena called, clearing her throat as her voice cracked slightly, her throat still raw from her weeks of sobbing uncontrollably because of her fight with Kara. The door to the lab opened cautiously, and Lena looked like she had seen a ghost when the figure walked through the door. It was Kara. Lena staggered to her feet, holding onto the desk as her legs began to shake with what she imagined was nerves. Kara looked equally as nervous as she took a couple of small steps towards the brunette, not quite meeting her line of sight. "W-w-what are you doing here?" Lena chocked out, oh how she wished Sam was here right now to give her some wise advice like she always did. Kara clutched a small notebook in her hand, a trusty pen tucked in behind her ear covered in her blonde mane. 

"I was told to come and interview you about your latest research into cures for cancer." Kara said quietly, a feeling of awkwardness spreading through her body like a disease. As she shuffled her feet nervously. Lena nodded slowly, trying to cage back the thoughts that maybe Kara had come to apologise and resolve things with her for once, realising that they couldn't survive in this world without each other. But as usual with all things Kara related she was wrong. 

"Im surprised you agreed to do it." Lena replied with a shrug of her shoulders, leaning her body completely on her desk unable to hold up her own weight on her shaky legs that had so quickly turned to jelly in the face of the blonde, just like the times where she was first starting to have feelings for her. 

"No one else was free. " Kara replied with a slight smile on her face, she had missed the brunettes sharp wit and tact in situations like these. They stood in silence for a couple of minutes, neither of them knowing what to say next. 

"I'm going to get a glass of water, feel free to sit down and sort everything for the interview I won't be to long, just don't touch anything." Lena said as she dragged her body off of her desk and out of the lab door, her heart beating far to fast, she needed some time out to simply calm down before having to spend god knows how long with Kara, she didn't know how to act with her now they were merely more than acquaintances. 

Kara sat her notebook down on Lena's desk as she wandered round the lab, looking at Lena's private collections of a number of different science stuff that Kara had no hope in hell of understanding. She walked up to a large glass box in the corner of the lab, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she noticed the necklace she had once gifted the brunette was on a stand in the middle of the box. The blonde walked on, shutting the door to the box behind her quietly as she picked up the piece of jewellery which held so many different memories for the pair. 

Suddenly the smashing of glass could be heard from across the lab, Kara lifted her head up to look in the direction of the noise in fright, to see Lena standing with a look of utter fear on her face, her glass of water smashed into a million pieces on the floor. Kara moved to exit the box wondering what the brunette was so uptight about. 

"Don't move!" Lena yelled as she ran over to the glass box that Kara had wandered into, the blondes heart began to beat faster, the panic in Lena's voice making Kara very uneasy. "What the hell Kara, I told you to stay put!" Lena yelled, running her pale fingers through her long raven hair in frustration, her skin becoming paler and paler. 

"I'm sorry okay I forgot how OCD you were about your lab, but look I never broke anything so its no big deal now let me out of here." Kara ordered crossing her arms, Lena shook her head as she looked up at the blonde a tear in her eye. 

"That box is where I carry out my radioactive experiments, you have been exposed to radiation, I can't let you out." Lena paused with a shaky breath, "Kara, none of my experiments have been successful I don't know what that amount of exposure will have done to your body."

Authors Note:

hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter and thank you for all the votes, reads and comments it means a lot!

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