Chapter 5:Dreams plus Prophecies equals to beating around the bush.

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In my dream,it was freezing cold.

  The wind howled as if it were calling for a pack of wolves.The blizzard was strong--so strong that I was afraid that it would freeze me alive and blow me to Mount Olympus(aka Empire State Building),where the gods would either display me(unlikely) or blast me into pieces using Zeus' lightning bolt(most likely).

  I hugged myself for warmth as I continued to make my way to a tall iceberg.Without knowing why,I placed my hand on the ice,and it glowed with strange warmth.As I watched,the ice slowly melted,finally revealing an eye.

  I stared into the grey eye and murmured,"Black.Grey.White.Nothing but chaos..."

  "Yes,my dear chess piece."The eye spoke without a mouth.I continued to gape at it,as if it had hypnotised me."You have finally released me from my prison."

  "Prison...?"I asked,dazed.

  "Prison--A secret prison,where no one knows,except the gods.They were the ones who imprisoned me."The eye was filled with hatred,its voice filled with venom."But at last,I am free to roam about..."The eye focused on me."...That is,if you become my vessel,Foínix.All your pain,your sufferings,and your misery shall end..."

  My pain and misery?I shook my head slowly."No."

  "Why not?Together,we shall rule the world..."The eye's voice echoed in my head,and I covered my ears,wanting to hear no more.


  Then I was sucked into a black hole.


"Wake up!"

  I jumped out of the bed,gasping as I felt magic tingling at my fingertips.Annabeth was standing near the bed,an aloe flower was blooming on her blonde hair.Wisdom and integrity.

  "Hey,"I said casually."What's with the flower?"

  Annabeth stared at me solemnly."You made it grow,"she pointed out.

 "Ah."I grinned apologetically,and tried waving my hand to stop the flower from growing.It withered,and she scoffed loudly.

  "Now you've made the floor dirty."

  "So what do you want me to do?Lick it off?"This girl was seriously getting on my nerves.I tried to help her,but she didn't even appreciate it. Annabeth's piercing grey eyes made me wince inwardly.I tilted my chin up,hoping that she didn't see the wincing.

  We spent half a minute glaring at each other before someone sang out,"Annabeth!"A girl stepped into the room and smiled kindly at me."New girl,"she said to herself.Then to me,"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."She held out a hand,and I took it reluctantly.

  "Thanks,"I mumbled and the red-haired girl showed me her white teeth.Her smile froze,and with a loud gasp she fell back.Annabeth managed to catch her just in time before she hit her head(or her butt) on the floor.A green smoke flowed out of her mouth and a familiar eye appeared.Dread filled my heart when I realised it as the eye from my dream.

  The eye started to recite(without a mouth):

"Death shall take her rose

Wisdom shall have her boost

Blues will have her singing

Words will leave Nature nothing.

Partially what she seeks shall be out

Once she accepts the sacrifice she cuts

Her choice shall be known aloud

Her voice shall deny the countdown."

  The eye finally disappeared and the girl's eyes rolled up.The agonising slience was then broken by Annabeth.

  "You..."She shook her head,hesitating.

  "Was that like,a poem?"I asked.

  "A prophecy,to be more precised."She got up and put the girl's arm over her shoulders.

  "A prophecy will one day be destroyed,"I said,recalling Apollo's words with a slight headache."But a poem has no ending precised."

  Annabeth studied me with her cold grey eyes and nodded slightly."Very wise,Foínix,"she said as she made her way out of the room."I have a feeling that we're going to be good friends."When she closed the door behind her,I sat down on the bed and snorted.

  "Right,"I murmured to myself."The bestest friends."

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