Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Marissa’s POV

It’s about 9 now, it’s a Saturday night which means the weekend is coming to an end already and I'm going to have to go back to school. It’s about mid- October now so about two more months till Christmas break. Winter has always been my favourite season because of the cold and the beautiful snow. 

“hey want to go catch a movie?” Kyle popped into my room and asked. I was just laying on my bed, relaxing from the tiring day of helping Sean move in. “nah I think I'm going to stay here” I waved him off. “Ok well me and Sean are going with Jane from one of our classes, if you change your mind just tell me before we leave” he said before walking out and closing the door softly behind him.

I’ve been smiling the whole day today and I just cant believe how much my life has turned around since Sean got here. It was like he was a kick start to all the good new things that was going to change in my life. I got up and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. The plan for tonight was to go downstairs curl up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch a sappy movie. I tied my hair up in a bun on top of my head and made my way down stairs. there was several TV’s in the house so there had to be one free. The main one beside the kitchen was free and that’s perfect. I went looking through some movies till I found ‘The notebook’ I’ve never saw that one but I heard it was pretty good.

I popped the DVD in and went to the kitchen on a search for some buttery popcorn. After about looking through every cupboard I found a pack and slipped it into the microwave. I heard people coming down the stairs about the same time the popcorn was done and all I could think was ‘don’t be coming to watch tv, don’t be coming to watch tv’. I took my popcorn and sat on the couch before the got down here. Maybe that would send a message that this was already taken.

Derek, Zane and two girls walked down the stairs. they looked like fairly decent girls not the bitchy ones so I didn’t make a point in glaring or even looking at them. “Hey sis what you up too?” my brother just had to speak up. I groaned internally, I just wanted to watch my freakin movie! “nothing just going to watch a movie” it came out a lot more calmer than I felt at the moment.  “Oh I love that movie!” one of the girls exclaimed. I looked at her, she had light blonde hair, no makeup on, a pair of jeans and a blur tank top with a  white cardigan, she looked really pretty.

“Oh well I haven’t seen it before but I heard it was good” the other girl looked like she was studying me for some reason. The blonde was with Derek and the other one was with Zane. It still bugs me a little but I don’t like to let him know how he affects me. “trust me it is like the best movie ever! I’ve watched it like five times already!” she sounded excited by the tone of her voice and I would let her watch it with me if she wasn’t going out with them.

“I would say you could watch it with me but I see your going out” I motioned towards the other three of them while popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth.  I could feel Zane’s eyes on me and I knew he was getting frustrated by how I was refusing to look at him, it made me want to laugh at him actually.

“Aww that sounds better than this right now” she made a cute pouty face, I already like this girl. “I'm Marissa by the way” “Sandy” she replied back with a big smile on her face. “How bout we exchange numbers and then we can catch up on all these movies later?” I offered, she was a sweet girl and if she liked these types of movies then we were going to get along great. “Sure” she pulled out her phone and we exchanged numbers quickly. Derek and the other girl were busy talking and Zane was just staring at me and sandy.

“Oh sorry you guys were going out right” I just realised that I probably delayed them 10 minutes. “It’s ok we’re just going out to eat, you can come if you want” Zane spoke up for the first time. My eyebrows shot up in surprise, did he actually just invite me out with them while he was on a date with another girl? Yea because I'm so going to go for that……..

“No I think I'm good here” I shot him a ‘are you stupid’ look. His face held no reaction though, it was as if he was thinking about something. “Well have fun” I tried to give them the hint to leave so I could watch my movie in peace but of course no one got it.  “are you sure you don’t want to come, I have one of my friends meeting up with us there. We could wait 10 minutes for you to change if you want” Derek offered again. And that had me thinking, how much would it annoy Zane if I tagged along on his date and I was with a another guy, the answer is a lot. I would be able to drive him crazy.

“Yea please come, I’ll watch the notebook with you another time” Sandy chirped in. the corners of my lips twitched up in a smile, this was going to be fun. “Sure I guess I have nothing better to do” I gave a innocent shrug and threw the blanket off me. I could feel Zane looking at me head to toe and it made me want to laugh so hard, ‘yea you can look but you cant touch’ my mind chanted teasingly at him. I would have said it if everyone wasn’t here. “Ok give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready” I said quickly before dashing up the stairs.

Zane’s POV

I watched as her cute little butt ran up the stairs. damn tease. God what am I saying, I can’t be like this, it’s getting worse by the day and it’s hard to keep up with it all now. my wolf saying yes and me saying no. it’s clear that she’s to immature to be my mate so why do I care so much? I'm on a date with another girl.

When I asked her to come I knew she was going to say no because she didn’t exactly like me after everything… but when Derek brought up another guy and her and sandy became fast friends she said yes. God dammit….. this was going to be like the club all over again. I cant afford to lose my mind and it feel like it’s already gone.

“So what do you guys want to do after we get some food? I’ll text Alex and tell him we’re going to e ten minutes late” Derek pulled out his phone and texted who I assumed to be Alex. Alex was going to cause me some problems if he get’s to close to Marissa so he better keep his distance.

True to her word she came running back down the stairs in ten minutes. Her hair was in a high pony and she was wearing a pair of black jeans with a baggy knitted top. She didn’t wear much makeup just a bit of lip-gloss and eye liner. She looked effortlessly beautiful as always. But of course so did a lot of other girls.

“Ok let’s go” she walked along beside Sandy and Derek but made sure not to even glance at me. she’s been doing that the whole night, acting like she didn’t give a crap about me and it was frustrating as hell. I wanted her to care; I wanted her to notice me, and most of all I wanted her to be affected by me. I was her mate for crying out loud how was she taking this so easy! Because I know for sure that I'm having a hard time getting her off my mind. ‘you want her to want you but you’re the one who rejected her’ a small voice said into my mind. 

It was like my sub-conscious mind wanted to give me advice all of a sudden. Well I didn’t need anyone telling me what to do I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Great now I was talking to myself telling myself I could do whatever I wanted. You see how she affects my mind?

“Hey Zane you ok there?” Arlene said. “Yea I'm fine” she must have noticed me spacing out. Arlene had dark brown hair and wore a tight low cut red top with a pair of blue jeans and black boots. She looked sexy as hell but I doubt I was doing anything with her tonight.

We all piled into Derek’s car and rode to the restaurant. I had no idea where we were going, Derek just said that there was good food so I just went with it. “Ok Alex already got the table so we can just go in” Derek said while getting out of the car. Marissa and sandy walked side by side while Arlene and Derek walked, and guess who walked in alone? Of course it was me all alone with my haunting thoughts. When will this ever go away?

Marissa’s POV

When I laid eyes on Alex my first thought was how hot he was. he had light brown hair with crystal emerald eyes. he was dressed in a green long sleeve with a pair of jeans, he looked absolute edible. I guess me met everyone else because his eyes stuck to me as a smile formed on his lips. I couldn’t help but smile back. I walked over to the table and took a seat directly across from him. he was well worth coming out tonight.

I shot him a flirty smile as I picked up my order and covered my face with it while barely skimming though it. Now it wasn’t just about annoying Zane, it was getting with his beautiful boy across from me.

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