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Kenzie's Pov

While we were at dinner i decided to post a picture of us three that we had taken earlier this day.

(Keep in mind that Kenzie has a private account bc she wants to keep her life private)

(Keep in mind that Kenzie has a private account bc she wants to keep her life private)

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@ kenzie.ziegler: two cool kids and a loser🌴🌟

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@ laurenorlando: love ya bb 💖

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@ kenzie.ziegler: love you too hun 💓

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@ johnnyorlando: ha @  laurenorlando she just called you a loser 😛

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@ kenzie.ziegler: uhm i was talking about you  

@ laurenorlando: john you're the loser here

 @ johnnyorlando: you both suck

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@ maddieziegler: see you soon sis 😘😘

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@ kenzie.ziegler: can't wait 💘

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@ maisystella: don't you dare replace me 😣

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 @ kenzie.ziegler: ofc not love 😍😍

@ maisystella: love ya xx 

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sorry filler chapter i'll have a normal one up real soon

BUT do ya'll like chapters like this? comment down below

also ik that the fact that kenzie wants to keep her life private doesn't make sense but it will in the end so you'll have to wait for that :)

maisy is just a friend of kenzie's 


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