Chapter 45

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Song of the Day - Selena Gomez - Back To You



I'm just here.

Knocking my head on the wall lightly.

While this bitch is staring at me like I'm a God damn movie. She looks at me from head to toe and back up again. My leg is across the damn room. It's not like I can run away from her. She has the door wide open.

"So... I'm pregnant?" I ask her again for the umpteenth time.


"You sure?" I ask again not believing her.

"Yes, Ava. What? You want the damn pregnancy test as well?"

"It would help, yes."

I honestly can't believe this. I'm pregnant? There's no way. I mean Noah used a condom the first time, didn't he? And the second...

Oh shit.

I lift up my bloody shirt a little and touch my belly.

I don't feel anything. Should I be feeling anything? It's still too soon.

Suddenly I hear a faint noise. A doorbell. Lupe scrambles quickly up her feet. She walks over to me and grabs my neck. I claw at her and she slams me against the wall.

"AHHHHHOWWW!" I yell as she lets go of my neck. Tears start to stream down my face as she leaves the room and I fall down unconsciously.



I convinced Scott and Elijah to stay in the car and let me deal with this.

Heck. Lupe's my ex, not theirs.

And I'm the reason that Ava is in this crap, to begin with.

I walk up the familiar steps to the door and I ring the doorbell.

I hear someone yell out in pain and I panic, ringing the doorbell over and over again.

I swear to God if Lupe did anything to her...

The door opens and my ex-girlfriend stares at me like I'm something to eat.

"Hey, baby." Lupe says, twirling her hair.

I narrow my eyes. "I'm not your baby, Lupe. Where is Ava?"

"You know," She says, walking up to me and trailing her hand up my arm. "You look very hot right now." She smirks and I feel my breakfast from this morning trying to come up from my stomach.

"Lupe..." I say, trying to stay calm. "Where. Is. Ava."

She rolls her eyes and turns around going back into the house. I follow her as she takes me down the hallway to a room. She opens the door and we both step in.

Lying on the floor with blood on her face is an unconscious Ava.

"Ava!" I yelled running to her to pick her up.

"What the hell is wrong with you Lupe?! We are done, we've been done! You need to stop fucking around with us!" I yell at her.

She stands there with her hands on her hips as I try to wake Ava up.

"So that's it?" She spits out. "I've given you way too many chances to be mine again and you still want her?!" She yells this time and I hold Ava tightly against me.

"Yes, I do because unlike you, she's not a crazy ass bitch!" I yell and Lupe looks at me, fuming with anger. She turns around and leaves the room to go God knows where in her distasteful house.

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