Chapter 2

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I slowed down so that Lesa could catch up to me. She finally did panting wildly.

"Master can you.... Go .... Slower" she managed to say through huge gulps of air.

"Though there is no time to lose, I suppose going slower is probably the best option."

As we rounded the corner we ran into General Skywalker and his newly assigned Padawan.

"General Skywalker" I acknologed. "Padawan Tano is it" I asked, hoping I was right.


Ahsoka nodded. I remember her from my studies as a youngling.

I was part of bear clan while she was clawmouse, but we had many classes together.

"Where are you two off to"? Master Naria asked

"Aggressive negotiations with some trade federation scum" Skywalker said.

"Agressive Negotiations" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Negotiations with a Lightsaber". Ahsoka grinned as she spoke.

"And you two" The general asked.

"I haven't the foggiest idea" Master Naria said

She nodded and continued down the hall.

I looked at the two, confusion colouring my face, shrugged and followed my Master down the hall

"Master" I tried to say as she quickened her pace.

"Master" I tried again but she was too far out of earshot.

She tapped her comlink and an image of a clone trooper appeared.

Not just any trooper of course.

Her second in command Commander Coryn


"Coryn have the ships ready to leave in, Oh, about 5 minutes" she said

"Copy that, Right away sir"

"Master" I said finally catching up to her and tapping her shoulder.

"What is it Lesa" she asked impatiently as she kept running

"Where are we going" I asked finally

She stopped, turned to face me, bent down (only a little) till we were at eye level. Though she is seven years older then me she isn't that much taller...

"Lesa do you trust me" she asked

"Yes but..." I stopped mid sentence

I nodded.

"Then trust me now" she said

We went running down the hallway to the open hanger bay, where Commander Coryn was waiting. "Sir the ships are ready as you requested" as we entered the bay.

I looked over and saw Naria and I's Delta 7-B starfighters and Commander Coryn's V-19 Torrent which made me more confused.

"Master wouldn't we just use a transport to get to your jedi cruiser"? I asked as Coryn started walking with us to the ships."Who said we're going to the cruiser" she asked. I stopped in my tracks

"Master stop being so so ... Cryptic and well ...un talkative". It's very unlike her not to talk. In fact usually she's boring me to death about different forms of blasters or something by now

She nodded to Commander Coryn and turned to me, "Lesa you may not believe me know but during this morning's meditation, I saw somthing". I was confused.

Quest For The Missing Midi-Chlorians *TheWattys2015*Where stories live. Discover now