Don't Do That

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There was the sound of magic coming from the library. Mordo and Wong clearly heard it too as they were running towards the library. You burst through the door and saw Stephen with the Eye of Agamotto open and running. Behind him, mirrored walls were starting to pop up from the ground. "Stephen no!" you shouted and ran at him to knock him down and hopefully break his concentration.

"Stop!" Mordo yelled as well and Stephen snapped out of his stupor a moment before you crashed into him.

"What were you thinking!" you demanded and got back onto your feet without helping Stephen to his feet.

"Tampering with the continuum of probability is forbidden!" Mordo shouted as he ran up to Stephen.

"I... I wa... I was just doing exactly what it said in the book!" Stephen stuttered in defense.
"And what did the book say about the dangers of performing that ritual?" Mordo shot back.
"Yeah, I don't know. I hadn't gotten to that part yet." Stephen confessed.
Mordo shook his head and explained, "temporal manipulations can create branches in time. Unstable dimensional openings. Spacious paradoxes! Time loops!"
You interrupted Mordo, "you want to get stuck reliving the same moment over, and over, forever, or never having existed at all?" you asked in disbelief.
Stephen tried to laugh, "they really should put the warnings before that stuff."

"I told you that!" you shouted in frustration, "I told you that warnings go after the spell!"

"Either way, they really should-"

"Stephen!" you cried out, "your curiosity could have gotten you killed."
"You weren't manipulating the space-time continuum," Mordo explained, "you were wrecking it." He looked disapprovingly at Stephen, "we do not tamper with natural law. We defend it."

"Don't do that." You stated stubbornly and refused to look Stephen in the eye, "don't...mess with stuff you don't understand." You finished quietly and wiped a tear that had fallen.

"I clearly understood it if I could do it, and I read through the book." Stephen protested.

"Ha! You didn't 'read through the book,'" you finally looked at Stephen and met your watery eyes with his shocked ones, "you only read part of it. Like you said, you hadn't got to the warnings part yet."

"Wha? (f/n), is this sentiment coming through?" he asked in amusement.

"Shut up Stephen!" You shoved his shoulder with enough force he had to step back to regain his balance. "I'd have to be pretty heartless to not care about you." You answered, "though it seems heartless-ness is something you excel at." You muttered under your breath.

"If you're done having your domestic-" Mordo started.

"Oh my gosh Mordo!" you shouted, "this was not a domestic!" you pointed rapidly between the two of you.

Mordo ignored your outburst and trained his concentration on Stephen, "how did you learn to do that?" he gestured to the Eye of Agamotto, "where did you learn the litany of spells required to even understand it?"

"I've got a photographic memory," Stephen explained, "it's how I got my M.D. and Ph.D at the same time."

"What you just did," Mordo once again gestured to the Eye of Agamotto, "takes more than a good memory. You were born for the mystic arts."

"Hold up," you stepped into the conversation, "how can you conclude that?"

"It takes years for someone to have the skill to utilize the Eye of Agamotto. I'm sure you can't even do it yet," Mordo explained and you frowned at his comment, "and he was able to do it in weeks."

"What about you," you continued to sulk and crossed your arms, "can you utilize the Eye?"

"I've never tried." Mordo answered simply.

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