What's Going On?

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"Stephen?" you opened your eyes to see said man in front of you, and the world moving in reverse. "What's going on?"

"Reversing everything. We've got a second chance." He told you eagerly. Beside you Wong was jumping up to his feet. Stephen summoned the spell in front of Wong and Wong blinked in confusion as he noticed the world around him. "I'm breaking the laws of nature, I know."

"Well, don't stop now." Wong nodded as the damage around you returned to a fixed state. He then noticed you, "oh thank goodness you're okay."

You looked at Wong in confusion, you didn't recall anything harmful happening to you during the battle. "What? What happened?"

"Sorry to interrupt," Stephen interjected, "when the Sanctum is restored, they will attack again. We have to defend it."

"Come on!" Mordo called and the four of you ran towards the Sanctum. There was the sound of magic behind you and the four of you turned to see Kaecilius with his hands above him in the middle of a spell.

"No!" you shouted and shot a fiery whip at him. It did nothing to help as he dropped to the ground and sent a shockwave out. The four of you yelled as you held your hands up to your face to block the dust but it was futile as you were thrown of your feet. There was the sound of magic again and the world stopped moving. Stephen fell on his hand and the spell stopped working. "Ugh." You groaned.

"Get up, Strange." Mordo grunted as he struggled to his feet. You followed suit but had more trouble than either Mordo or Wong. "Get up and fight!" Your side was starting to hurt again, you assumed it was from getting thrown back, or from the battle. Mordo settled into a fighting stance while you and Wong wielded your relics, "we will finish this."

"Isn't it beautiful?" Kaecilius murmured, "a world beyond time. Beyond death."

"Beyond time..." Stephen murmured and froze from getting up.

"Stephen?" you looked at him in confusion, "Stephen!" he had a faraway look that made you suspect he had a crazy plan forming in his mind. "Listen, whatever you're thinking, there's another way. We'll find it."

"Sorry (f/n)." He shook his head and flew up into the air towards Dormammu.

"Stephen!" you screamed after him.

At the same time Mordo yelled "Strange!"

"He's gone." Kaecilius taunted and you suddenly remembered that he was still here, "Stephen Strange has left to surrender to his power."

"No." You shook your head, "he may be a bit arrogant and rude, but he wouldn't do something like this." He then descended behind Kaecilius in all his majestic glory. You gaped at this and turned to Wong and Mordo who looked just as confused.

Kaecilius took notice of this and looked behind him to see Stephen. "What have you done?" he demanded.

"I made a bargain." Stephen replied simply.

"What is this?" Kaecilius demanded as his hand started to warp and turn black.

"Well, it's, uh...it's everything you ever wanted." Kaecilius and his zealots screamed as they were taken up into the air to join Dormammu. "Eternal life as part of the One. You're not going to like it." Stephen chuckled. You, Wong, and Mordo walked to Stephen as you watched the three bodies writhe in the air.

Stephen then summoned the spell and the green circle appeared in his hand again, with a look of deep concentration, he reversed time. The rest of you watched in awe as everything fixed itself. The building was rebuilt, the eerie blue and red light disappeared into the ground, everything became right again. Time started it's passage again and the entire city became alive again. Everyone continued as if nothing had ever happened. Which, in their minds, nothing weird ever did happened.

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