Wanda Maximoff - Puppies

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You were walking down the street with your wife Wanda when she stopped at a pet shop to look at the puppies.

"Can we get one please y/n? I love them." She whined in the cutest way.

"Okay, lets go see them all and you can choose one, okay?" You said and she nodded excitedly and ran into the pet store.

She sat down in the puppy pen and was playing with them all when she picked up one.

"I like this one, he's clumsy but it's cute." She said as she giggled.

The puppy looked up and was trying to catch his tongue, it was a baby beagle and he was the cutest little thing ever.

"Okay let's get him." You said as she cheered excitedly as you laughed and kissed her then the pup kissing your guys's chins.


Word Count: 145

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