0.22 He What..?

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Hey so as a for warning, I would just like to notify you guys that I will not be able to update a lot or pretty much at all because I have somehow managed to leave my phone on the bus and lost it so... now I'm not gonna be active on any social media. But yeah, leave me something in the comments to cheer me up when i finally come back up and don't forget to add, read and vote on this if you love me/love this. okay soo yeah,, back to the story.

I open the door and see Ashton standing there, he looks pretty angry. I move out the way and let him in, he walks past me and sits on the sofa. I sit down next to him and place my hand over his.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He smiles weakly, and looks away slightly.

"Aria , I have something to tell you about Luke and I'm not sure that your going to like it." he avoids my eye contact and begin to get slightly worried. I move away, I don't know where this is going to go and what has Luke done that could have made Ashton so mad and that would make me upset.

Two hours later i was sitting there shocked about what I had just been told by Ashton, why was Luke in a car with his ex, I'm starting to doubt myself again, am I just not good enough for him. I start to overthink everything and get really paranoid, this was why he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, maybe i should just get over him he seems like a fuckboy anyway.. I don't deserve that, I deserve someone so much better, who will treat me right and actually ask me to be their girlfriend and not go out with all his exes.

I come out of my thoughts and realise that Ashton is sitting there, he has a worried expression on his face, i give him a small smile of realisation and he looks relived. I see him smiles and notice for the first time the cute dimples on the sides of his cheeks, How have I never noticed them before they are adorable.

Before I know it I am leaning into him and my eyes shut as our lips meet together, I hear his breath hitch slightly and his shoulders slump slightly as if he has let out some tension that has been held in for a while, has he been waiting for us to kiss for a while. How much does he actually like me. Maybe he is the one that i was thinking about earlier, maybe he will treat me right. I shut my thoughts off and the kiss gets deepened, I wrap my hands around his neck as I hear my phone ring, I decide to let it wring and then get two more notifications and another missed call, I'm in the moment and i don't want this to be ruined.

A few moments later I hear the door knock and sigh and get up to open the door, only to find none other than...



He looks relived to see me when i open the door but it flashes straight off. He looks at my liips and all I can see is pure anger, Ashton sneezes in the background and Luke barges past me.

"Aria, why the fuck is your lipstick smudged AND all over Ashton's face?!?" Ashton stands up and goes to walk towards Luke, but he storms out before either of us could have explained ourselves.

The door slams and I stand there awkwardly staring at the door, what have we done... Despite everything I still really like Luke, but now I also like Ashton.. What do i do?

hEY hows it going?

I left it on a cliff{ord}hanger your welcome

I love yous and I'm sorry that i wont be and haven't been updating but i will try my best.

comment what you would like to happen and when i finally get a chance to update i might take it into consideration,, please leave a vote and guys i am so surprised that this book is ranked,, there might be smutt in the next episode. also lmao ik this is short but I'm on my friends laptop. okay byeeeee

I love you guys - N x

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