Chapter 39

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BEN Drowned POV
[Name] had gone to see Susie in the hospital. It was Friday which we all decided would be her day. She would sometimes ask me to tag along as apparently Susie seems to glow when she sees me. I didn't care. I hated the fact that she's still around [Name]. Saving her is a massive regret. But there were its perks. I get to see [Name] smile, happy that her friend is back.
I couldn't go with [Name] this time however. I wanted to go and visit Sadies grave. At the mansion, in the middle of the forest, there's a graveyard for where all the members that lived there had died. Whether that's through illness or murder. Although, most of them couldn't actually become ill anyway, so they were most likely murdered themselves by others. However, once I arrive. Sadies grave was not there. I didn't understand, surely they would know they had killed Sadie by now. What the fuck...
I decided to head towards where she was actually killed. I know it was a long shot but knowing these guys, it could be possible.
Once I arrive at the basement doors, I slowly peek around the corner and instantly spot a blue rugged, blood stained wig. Please god let it just be the wig and dress..
Sadly, it wasn't just the outfit. As I make my way over. The smell of rotten flesh and decaying organs filled my nostrils. Sadies body was still here, exactly how I left her. Her body was decomposing fast, her only eye was now gone, leaving with too empty sockets. She had a huge hole in the side of her face, as well as all over her body. Maggots overflowing out of each and every one. Her flesh was practically falling off of her body as parts of her bone started to show through.
I couldn't stand looking at her for another second. Hurrying away back to [Name]'s house.

"Hi Mrs [LastName]. Have you seen [Name] about at all?"
I ask the mother as she sits at the table, with a pen, and a note pad. Same as usual. What a boring life..
"Hiya Ben. She's gone to visit Susie."
Oh yeah.. duh! The whole Sadie thing actually made me forget that [Name] was visiting Susie in the hospital.
"Okay, thanks!"
I wave goodbye and I exit the house, making my way down the street. Walking past alleyways which triggered back memories of previous kills. It felt good to remember all those satisfying deaths.
"Stop please! I won't tell anyone! Just let me go!"
A voice whimpers and pleads. It sounded familiar. But I couldn't figure out why. It sounded like it came from behind me, inside one of the alleyways. Reversing up, I spotted the person of who the pleading voice came from. It was [Name]. She lay beneath the scum that line these streets. Taking advantage of weak females they spot walking alone. Made me sick. I'd rather be a murderer than a rapist. Wait.. that's what I am anyway? Waaaait.. oh yeeaaaah. Shit gonna go down for you perv.
Standing in the edge of the alleyway so I'm shaded in darkness, blood begins to drip from my sockets as my eyes turn black, leaving only the red firery pupils. My ears sharpen to a tip, my fingers became like sharp needles and my teeth point into shark-like fangs as I watch. My stare practically burning a hole in his skull.
He must have noticed my glare as he suddenly looks up at me in shock. [Name]'s head slowly leans back, I couldn't help but look down to her, she looked so helpless and defenceless. Tears streaming down her terror filled face. I was going to make this bastard pay. Pay for making her feel this way.
I watch as he stands to his feet, yanking out his penknife. [Name] stands and makes a run for her home, I could hear her distant cries fading away the more she ran. You son-of-a-bitch..

"A penknife is your choice of weapon? That's pretty pathetic, don't you think?"
The guy chuckles as he twirls the blade around within his fingers. Swiftly moving it back and forth, open and closed.
"At least I have a weapon. Seems to me you're pretty empty handed."
What a douche. Luckily for me, I didn't need a weapon. I got all the skills I need to put this prick down. Unlucky for him, it was going to be painful.
"You know. You're right. I don't have a weapon. You know why?"
Laughing evilly, I stand out of the shadows with a sadistic sharp toothed grin. The guys face instantly drops, even though it was just little. I could tell I was not what he was expecting. My body glitching like a static screen as my head twitches, my eyes glowing as they spread open wide. My grin growing to become more sinister.
"I dOnT NeEeED OoNE."
He takes a step back, readying his blade out in front of him.
"What the fuck are you!?"
My distorted laugh echoes through the alleyway as I glitch my way closer to him, to which he jumps and takes another step back.

Leaving the alleyway with a proud smile on my face, I head back to [Name]'s house. I felt sorry for whoever finds that guys body. I don't think he's going to be attempting to force himself on girls anytime soon. I mean, it would be literally impossible. I tore out his eyes right from the sockets and stuffed them down his throat so he could watch as I yanked out his teeth, one, at, a, time. As slow and as painful as possible. Using my sharp needle like fingers to slice open his gut, ripping out his internal organs before eventually turning his body inside out. He ended up looking like one of those hairless cat things.

Climbing up into [Name]'s window, I see her crouched on the floor in the corner of her room, her legs to her chest, with her forehead against her knees as she cried into her folded arms that rested upon them. Stepping inside, I slowly make my way over to her and stand before her.
I call down to her. She slowly lifts her head to lock shakily with me. Dry and fresh tears stained her face as more flooded down.
She wastes no time standing to her feet and lunging her arms around me as she holds me tighter than ever. Her loud cries sobbing against my shoulder, her entire body jumping a little as she inhaled harshly, gasping for air almost.
"I was so scared Ben! I couldn't get him off of me!"
Stroking the back of her head, down her hair to sooth her calmly as she continues to cry, I shush her to keep her quiet to calm her nerves.
"Don't worry. He won't bother you anymore. You're safe now-"
She suddenly pushes me back, an angry expression plastered on her face.
"How would you know that! Where were you?! Every time I need you! You're not there! You're never around when I need you the most! WHERE WERE YOU!"
She screams loudly, trashing her arms at me vigorously as her fists pound against my chest. However, as she done so, I noticed something on her neck and caught a small glimpse of something on her chest.
Grabbing her shirt and yanking her forward harshly towards me. I pull part of the fabric away from her shoulder, revealing her skin. The very sight of what I saw made my blood boil with rage. That bastard not only tried to force himself on her, rape her like the scum he is. But he left his mark all over her neck and chest. Her skin was covered in dark bruises from his disgusting love bites.
"Ben! What are you doing?!"
She whimpers as her fearful puppy eyes worryingly watch my face as I grind my teeth, growling with fury at the very thought of his mouth on her skin.

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