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Name: Samirah Nelson

Age: 26

Crush: none, she's aromantic (I think that's what it's called. She's incapable of feeling romantic love.)

Looks: Sam is short, standing at 5'2. She has long white hair that reaches to the bottom of her shoulder blades and tanned skin. Sam has almondish shaped eyes the color of silver. Her nose is stuffy? With a wide tip and bridge that dips down low. She also has full lips, small ears, and an angular jaw line. Besides this, her arms and legs are abnormally long. With small feet and hands, the last which have long thin fingers. She has a slight but surprisingly strong build

Personality: similar to most of my others.

Strengths: Her mind, her speed, her small size can be a strength and a weakness, her skill with the bo staff and the dagger. And her skill with other languages

Weaknesses: her small size can be both a disadvantage and an advantage, her addiction to excitement and adrenaline. Her stubbornness

Other: she has ADHD and Autism. 

My OC book. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz