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'I didn't know it until it was too late, I wish I did. Because if I did they would still be here'. That was all I could think about as I sat the steps of the ambulance with a blanket. I was now numb to the world, and everything in it.


It was my birthday, I was turning 17. We all sat in the dark with cake and wrapping paper all around us as we all talked about our fond memories we had together through the years. "Remember the time when JS did the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, because she wanted to know what it felt like to have actual lips. Her mouth became blue and purple!" At that statement we burst out laughing, except JS. JS just resorted to hitting at us with a pillow and shouting "shut up!". I just smiled at them, happy that we stayed together, after everything. I get up to get Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream, it is the best ice cream around. When I get back, I see JS sulking on a pile of fluffy pillows and Roki and Elizabeth, who we call Lizzie, where laughing at her. I soon joined in with them and walked over to the little sulking bean. I could like see that she was finding this funny but kept the facade up, it quickly broke as I pulled out the Ben & Jerry's. After a while of laughing, crying and being idiots in general,and moving upstairs to my room, we all fell asleep on top of each other. I awoke to Lizzie shaking me with a frantic look inside her eyes. That was when I noticed the jet black smoke engulfing the room. Lizzie, seeing that I was not responding to her, grabbed my wrist and started to drag me towards the front of the house. When we got out, we both fell to our knees coughing. A groan of protest came from the house as the roof started to cave in on itself. I noted that JS and Rokie were not with us and that was when panic set in. I got up as fast as my weak body would and tried running to the house set ablaze. Before I could, Lizzie stopped me and told me to stay but me being me I argued, I should've listened to her maybe she could've got to them quicker and got them out in time. She forced me to stay outside while she went to go get them out. I sat for what seemed like hours, but it was probably only minuets. The house fell to the ground. I could only watch as the burning embers floated elegantly into the dark sky. I bearly noticed the people around me, running, screaming. It all became a blur to me. Without them, I wasn't complete.


As I sat there, watching everything, I realised that the news of my family dieing didn't register into my mind. But when it did, I screamed, cried, and tried to run to the house to get them, but was held back. I then completely broke down into tears. I didn't care of what people thought of me. I was grieving them. They promised they would stay with me until we grew old, until we could see the sun rise and set, to see our children grow old and have families of there own, but now it won't ever happen. After everything the universe or whichever forsaken God that controls us like a puppeteer, had thrown at me, they had to take away the one thing that gave my life a meaning, we're now gone.

Author's Note:
Hey this is a new fanfic that I am starting from when I first joined the Wattpad community. It is a take on my life because I got bored and wanted to make my friends cry and see what I think about our friendship. Then again parts of the story didn't happen at that time, but did actually happen later on in real life, so yeah this is my book and I hope you enjoy.

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