Chapter 28

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Mina's Pov
After we bought some things that we needed we go back home. When we are home the girls are shocked

"Wow minari your house was great..." nayeon

"I know right" sana

"Thanks~ oh lets go inside so i can show you your rooms"

"Jinja?? We got rooms?" both


"Kamsahamnida minari~~" both

"Your welcome"

Then we entered the house they were amazed i just smiled at them they smiled back then i tour them around the house

After i toured them they put their things in their rooms well the maids help them. They thanked the maids the i decided to cook mac & cheese for our dinner.

I was going to get the pan to cook but someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped a little bit

"Its okay maam i will just gonna cook for you and your.."

"They are my stepsisters and do-"

I stopped because my phone rings

"Uhm okay.. Can you cook mac & cheese for us?"

"No problem maam"

"Thanks" i smiled at her she smiled back then i answer the phone



Hey mina

Oh hi jimin what are you doing?

Im with suga hyung and taehyung. Were bored actually

Oh jinja? You can come with us for our dinner i guess

Sure we'll be there

Alright see yah

End call

Okay minari he's coming just act like a friend okay. I inhaled and exhaled i think our maid notice it

"Maam you okay?"

"Yea- dont worry"

"Btw make the mac & cheese a lot thanks"

"Ok maam no problem"

She continued cooking and i go to sana and nayeon to tell them that the boys are coming here


"Oh hi mina im just decorating my room and sana was using the toilet"

"Haha ok well the boys are coming here they will join our dinner and can you tell sana unnie please"

"Okay.. But who do you mean the boys?"

"My friends"


*20 minutes later*

The mac & cheese was almost done so the other maids starting to serve the plates i go to my food storage to look for juice and thank goodness i found my favorite juice which is the blueberry juice i put them at the table

the food was already done then someone doorbelled

"They must be here"

I go to the gate and yes they are here

"Hi mina"

"Hello jimin"

"Wow your house is so big"

"Hehe. Oh come in"

They go inside and i closed the guards close the gate we go inside of the house

"Nayeon Sana theyre here"

"Hii~~" both

"Im taehyung" then he did he's boxy smile

"Im jimin" he smiled aishh stop making me fall again from youu~ wait what am i thinking stop mina... You and him are JUST FRIENDS

"Im yoongi but you can call me suga" he smiled (wow so our suga here is not cold today huh😂)

"Im nayeon" She smiled with her bunny teeth

"Im sana" she smiled

"I know jimin tells about me right suga and taehyung?"

"Yeah your name is mina right" taehyung

"Yeah btw lets eat!"

"Right im hungryyy~" sana whined

We ate and we talked a lot. After we talked the boys already say goodbye. We waved back and they left. We go to our own bedrooms and slept.

Nayeon's Pov
They are so handsome omg especially suga ahhh he's so cute i think i like him and i think im falling for him. What are you thinking nayeonrella you just met him today!! I should just sleep and stop thinking about these things

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